Cushing disease of the omentum

Cushing disease of the omentum

(kush'ing), central obesity in association with glucocorticoid excess, in which adipose stromal cells of the omental fat, but not of the subcutaneous tissue, can generate active cortisol from inactive cortisone. Patients have increased cortisol production and urinary cortisol excretion but no abnormality in the hypothalamico pituitary-adrenal axis.

Cush·ing dis·ease of the o·men·tum

(kush'ing di-zēz' ō-men'tŭm) Central obesity in association with glucocorticoid excess, in which adipose stromal cells of the omental fat, but not subcutaneous tissue, can generate active cortisol from inactive cortisone. Patients have increased cortisol production and urinary cortisol excretion but no abnormality in the hypothalamicopituitary-adrenal axis.