

单词 apc



abbr. armored personnel carrier


n 1. (Pharmacology) acetylsalicylic acid, phenacetin, and caffeine; the mixture formerly used in headache and cold tablets 2. old-fashioned slang Austral a quick wash [for sense 2: abbreviation for armpits and crotch]


1. aspirin, phenacetin, and caffeine: a compound formerly used in headache and cold remedies. 2. armored personnel carrier.
Noun1.APC - (military) an armored vehicle (usually equipped with caterpillar treads) that is used to transport infantryAPC - (military) an armored vehicle (usually equipped with caterpillar treads) that is used to transport infantryarmored personnel carrier, armoured personnel carrierarmored vehicle, armoured vehicle - a vehicle that is protected by armor platearmed forces, armed services, military, military machine, war machine - the military forces of a nation; "their military is the largest in the region"; "the military machine is the same one we faced in 1991 but now it is weaker"
2.APC - a drug combination found in some over-the-counter headache remedies (aspirin and phenacetin and caffeine)APC - a drug combination found in some over-the-counter headache remedies (aspirin and phenacetin and caffeine)medicament, medication, medicinal drug, medicine - (medicine) something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease



(cell and molecular biology) anaphase-promoting complex (electronics) automatic phase control


On drawings, abbr. for “acoustical plaster ceiling.”


Association for Progressive Communications


(1) (American Power Conversion Corporation, West Kingston, RI, www.apcc.com) The leading manufacturer of UPS systems and surge suppressors, founded in 1981 by Rodger Dowdell, Neil Rasmussen and Emanual Landsman, three electronic power engineers who had worked at MIT. Although created to develop solar electricity, the company introduced its first UPS system three years later as government funding for solar energy dissipated.

(2) (Application Performance Characterization) A graphics benchmark that tests actual application performance. See GPC.



 abbreviation for the activated form of protein C.


Acronym for acetylsalicylic acid, phenacetin, and caffeine; in combination, formerly a widely used antipyretic and analgesic; antigen-presenting cell.


Abbreviation for:
activated protein C (see there)
adenomatous polyposis coli (see there)
aerobic plate count (microbiology)
air pollution control
ammonium perchlorate
amyloid pack core 
antigen-presenting cell (see there)
antiphlogistic-corticoid (obsolete)
aperature current
apneustic centre (neuroanatomy)
arterial premature contraction
aspirin, phenacetin, caffeine
Association of Pathology Chairmen
Association of Professors of Cardiology
atrial premature contraction (see there)
Adenoma Prevention with Celecoxib (clinical trials)
ambulatory payment classification (see there) (Managed care)
APC gene (molecular medicine)
APC protein (molecular medicine)
A gene on chromosome 5q21-q22 that encodes a tumour-suppressor protein which acts as an antagonist of the Wnt signalling pathway. APC is also involved in cell migration and adhesion, transcriptional activation, and apoptosis.
Molecular Pathology
APC mutations cause familial adenomatous polyposis.


1. Activated protein C, see there.2. Adenomatous polyposis coli, see there.3. Antigen-presenting cell, see there.4. Atrial premature contraction, see there.5. Clinical trials Adenoma Prevention with Celecoxib.6. Managed care Ambulatory payment classification, see there.


Abbreviation for antigen-presenting cells; Ambulatory Payment Classification.

Patient discussion about APC

Q. what is APC in cardiology? A. APC, or atrial premature complex (or beat) is a beat that arise in the atria of the heart from outside the normal mechanism of heartbeats. It's very common and doesn't portend any bad prognosis. It increase with age, smoking, coffee intake, alcohol intake, and stress, and also with heart and lung disease.
If they don't cause symptoms, no treatment is necessary. If they do cause symptoms, it can be treated with beta-blockers (e.g atenolol)
You can read more here: http://en.ecgpedia.org/wiki/Atrial_Premature_Complexes

More discussions about APC


APCArmored Personnel Carrier
APCAmerican Power Conversion
APCAssociation for Progressive Communications
APCAccount(ing) Processing Code
APCActivated Protein C
APCAll Progressive Congress (Nigerian political party)
APCAdvanced Process Control
APCAir Pollution Control
APCA Perfect Circle (band)
APCAntigen-Presenting Cell
APCAllophycocyanin (dye protein)
APCAdenomatous Polyposis Coli
APCAlternative PHP Cache
APCAnaphase Promoting Complex (cell biology)
APCAll People's Congress (Sierra Leone)
APCAirline Pilot Central
APCA Professional Corporation
APCAll Purpose Cleaner
APCArgon Plasma Coagulation
APCAdvanced Practice Center
APCArticle Processing Charge
APCAlstom Power Conversion (Paris, France)
APCAssessment of Professional Competence
APCAmbulatory Payment Classification
APCAccess Point Controller (wireless networking)
APCAssociate Professional Counselor (various organizations)
APCArea of Particular Concern (conservation)
APCAverage Propensity to Consume (income)
APCAssociation of Professional Chaplains
APCAnnual Percent Change (measurement)
APCNapa County Airport (airport code, CA)
APCArea Planning Commission (various locations)
APCActs of the Privy Council (UK)
APCAmerican Pie Council
APCAppliance Parts Center (various locations)
APCAdministrative Professionals Conference
APCAutomatic Power Control
APCApproach Control (aviation)
APCAtari Punk Console (sound generator)
APCAnnual Practising Certificate (various locations)
APCApostolic Pentecostal Church (church formed in 1935)
APCAmmonium Perchlorate
APCAfrican People's Convention (political party; South Africa)
APCAppleton Post Crescent (Wisconsin; newspaper)
APCAutomatic Proxy Configuration
APCAdaptive Power Control
APCApplication Programmability Components
APCApplication Control
APCAutomatic Program Control
APCApplication Program Command
APCAccredited Presale Consultant
APCAutomatic Performance Control
APCAsynchronous Procedure Call
APCAnalogue Pureness Control
APCAmerican Products Company
APCAdjacent Point Code
APCAirport Code
APCAmerican Plastics Council
APCAutomated Postal Center (USPS)
APCArtistic Photo Canvas (photo printing website)
APCAssociation des Psychiatres du Canada (Canadian Psychiatric Association)
APCAutopilot Computer (avionics)
APCAnnual Professional Conference (Diabetes UK)
APCAdvisory Plan Commission (Indiana)
APCAthletic Performance Center (various locations)
APCAcademic Planning Committee
APCAnti-Pop Consortium (band)
APCAmericas Paralympic Committee (Argentina)
APCCoastal Transport (US Navy)
APCAlabama Power Company
APCAutomatic Passenger Counter
APCAttwater Prairie Chicken
APCAerobic Plate Count (microbiology)
APCAnimal Procedures Committee (UK)
APCAsynchronous Procedure Call (Microsoft Windows NT)
APCAustralian Parents Council
APCAmerican Peanut Council
APCAgency Program Coordinator
APCAmplifier Power Control (Pirelli)
APCAdenomatous Polyposis of the Colon
APCArmy Proficiency Certificate (UK)
APCAdvanced Professional Certificate
APCApplication Program Control
APCAutomatic Process Control
APCArmy Pictorial Center (US Army Signal Corps)
APCAlternativa Popular Canaria (Canarian political party)
APCAquatic Plant Control
APCAsia Pacific Capital (est. 1992)
APCAustralian Postal Corporation (formerly Australian Post Commission)
APCAutomatic Pallet Changer
APCActual Physical Control (criminal law)
APCAllylpyrocatechol (pharmacology)
APCArea Processing Center (US Army and US Air Force)
APCAccess Promotion Contribution (telecommunications fee; Pakistan)
APCAssociation des Producteurs de Cinéma (French: Film Producers Association)
APCAmerican Presbyterian Church
APCApocalypse Production Crew
APCAcademy of Professional Careers (various locations)
APCAngled Physical Contact (fiber optics)
APCApplication Performance Characterization (Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation)
APCAge-Period-Cohort (statistical model)
APCAll Party Committee (various organizations)
APCAdvanced Piston Corer (tool)
APCAtelier de Production et de Creation (French: Workshop Production and Creation; clothing designer; France)
APCAgricultural Production Cooperative
APCAssemblee Populaire Communale (French)
APCArmy Personnel Command (US Army)
APCAdaptive Predictive Coding
APCAlaska Pipeline Company (natural gas)
APCAssociation of Professional Consultants (Orange County, California)
APCAutomatic Phase Control
APCAdoptive Parents Committee
APCAlien Property Custodian
APCAsia-Pacific Committee (various organizations)
APCArmy Petroleum Center (US Army)
APCAtlanta Preservation Center (Georgia)
APCAustralian Provincial Championship (rugby)
APCAdvanced Primary Care (healthcare; various organizations)
APCAerial Port Commander (US DoD)
APCAchievement-Oriented Psychological Control (psychology)
APCAbsolute Phagocyte Count (blood count)
APCAlternative Placement Center (school discipline)
APCAtrial Premature Contraction
APCAssociated Pennsylvania Constructors
APCAssistant Principal Curriculum (various schools)
APCAsia Pacific Consumer (China)
APCAmity Printing Company (China)
APCAssociation of Population Centers (independent group of universities and research groups)
APCAtlantic Partnership Council
APCAdvanced Power Control
APCAseptic Packaging Council
APCA Professional Conference Call (Buford, GA)
APCAdult Protection Committee (UK)
APCArmor Piercing Capped
APCAssociation for Progressive Computing
APCAll-Purpose Carrier
APCAccount Program Coordinator
APCArkansas Passport Center (Hot Spring, AR)
APCAcquisition Professional Community
APCAssign Preprogrammed Conference List (US DoD)
APCAspirin, Phenacetin & Caffeine
APCAssociation Pulmonaire du Canada (Canadian Lung Association)
APCAwareness Protective Consultants, LLC (Piscataway, NJ)
APCAomori Public College (est. 1993; Aomori City, Japan)
APCAlgebraic Process Calculi (computer science)
APCAutomatic Program Control (radio/tape deck)
APCAlianza por Chile (Alliance for Chile)
APCAlaska Press Club (journalism)
APCAlabama Productivity Center
APCAssociation Pomme Cannelle (French: Apple Cinnamon Association; Nepalese volunteer group)
APCAustin Powder Company (Cleveland, OH)
APCAngle Polished Connector (fiber optic)
APCAdenoma Prevention with Celebrex (medical trial)
APCAirport Club
APCAdjacent Point Code (Cisco)
APCApproach Power Compensator
APCAMARC Protocol Converter
APCAntenna Phase Center
APCAdaptive Payload Carrier (NASA)
APCAmerican Philatelic Congress
APCAeronautical Passenger Communication (aviation)
APCAmerican Popcorn Company (Sioux City, IA)
APCAqueous Potassium Carbonate
APCAntigen Processing Cell
APCAntenna Pattern Correction
APCAIDS Partnership California
APCAmerican Panel Corporation
APCSmall Coastal Transport (US Navy ship designation)
APCAcademic Personnel Committee
APCAlias Point Code
APCAromatic Polymer Composite
APCAdvanced Hydraulic Piston Corer
APCAll Purpose Container (US Postal Service)
APCAmerican Personal Communications, Inc. (Sprint-Cable Alliance)
APCAnimal Pest Control
APCAssociation of Pauline Cooperators
APCAll Purpose Capsule (US DoD pain relief tablet)
APCAstroParticule & Cosmologie (French: Astrophysics & Cosmology; Paris Diderot University; France)
APCAll Purpose Cure
APCAirline Passenger Communications
APCAdequate Price Competition
APCAgincourt Pentecostal Church (Canada)
APCAccident Prevention Council
APCAdvanced Product Catalog (Oracle)
APCAir Project Coordinator
APCAutonomous Payload Controller
APCAsociacion Proyecto Caribe (Spanish: Caribbean Association Project; Costa Rica)
APCActivity Program Coordinator
APCAtkins Physicians Council
APCAuxerre Poker Club (France)
APCAcquisition Position Categories
APCAft Power Controller
APCApplied Physics Center
APCAutoridad de Promoción del Comercio
APCAsian Pacific Cable
APCAbbreviated Performance Characteristics
APCAlabama Poison Center
APCAngle Position Control
APCAsociacion Patagónica de Carrovelismo
APCActual Per Capita
APCAcquisition Production Cost
APCArea of Positive Control
APCAccelerometer Pulse Converter
APCArgos Processing Center
APCAlternative Pipe Culvert (construction)
APCAutomatic Particle Count(er)
APCArmy Postal Clerk
APCArmor Piercing Cartridge (munitions)
APCArmy Policy Council
APCAlster Piraten Club (established 1898 in Hamburg)
APCApplication Processor Cluster
APCAcquisition Planning Conference
APCAmbulatory Processing Center (US Army)
APCAtomic Progressive Controller
APCAntioch Presbyterian Church
APCAnti Pop Culture
APCActivity Processing Code
APCAtomic Purple Controller (Nintendo game controller)
APCAmiens Poker Club (France)
APCActive Processor Chip
APCApproved Procedure Change
APCAutomatic Pixel Control (setting for amateur astronomy video cameras to remove visual artifacts)
APCAsynchronous Power Control
APCAsk, Pause, and Call (training procedure for querying students)
APCAssociated Planning Consultants Inc (Toronto, ON, Canada)
APCAircraft Pilot Control
APCAdministration and Project Control
APCArea Priority Council
APCAnimal Production Committee
APCAutomatic Polarity Collection
APCApple Performa Computer
APCActivity Process Code
APCacrylic purging compound (plastics industry)
APCArticle Production Charge
APCAssistant/Air Project Coordinator
APCAlpha Proportional Counter
APCArgon Purge Chart
APCAverage Percent Complete
APCAstro Peripheral Controller
APCAssociate Police Captains (Cincinnati, Ohio)
APCAppalachia Processing Center (US State Department)
APCAdaptive Periosteal Cambian
APCAffiliated Property Craftspersons
APCAustralian Pack Classification
APCAdjusted Parents' Contribution (student financial aid)


  • noun

Synonyms for APC

noun (military) an armored vehicle (usually equipped with caterpillar treads) that is used to transport infantry


  • armored personnel carrier
  • armoured personnel carrier

Related Words

  • armored vehicle
  • armoured vehicle
  • armed forces
  • armed services
  • military
  • military machine
  • war machine

noun a drug combination found in some over-the-counter headache remedies (aspirin and phenacetin and caffeine)

Related Words

  • medicament
  • medication
  • medicinal drug
  • medicine




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