释义 |
ex·ce·men·to·sis (ek'sē-men-tō'sis), A nodular outgrowth of cementum on the root surface of a tooth.ex·ce·men·to·sis (ek'sē-men-tō'sis) A nodular outgrowth of cementum on the root surface of a tooth. hy·per·ce·men·to·sis (hī'pĕr-sē'mĕn-tō'sis) Excessive deposition of secondary cementum on tooth root, which may be caused by localized trauma or inflammation, excessive tooth eruption, or osteitis deformans, or may occur idiopathically. Synonym(s): cementum hyperplasia, excementosis. [hyper- + L. caementum, a rough quarry stone, + -osis, condition] |