chalcosis lentis

chal·co·sis len·'tis

a cataract caused by excessive intraocular copper. Synonym(s): copper cataract, sunflower cataract
A descriptive term for the radiating orange-tinted anterior capsular and subcapsular opacities in the lens due to copper deposition, seen in adolescents with Wilson’s disease; vision is unaffected

chalcosis lentis 

A cataract caused by excessive amount of copper in the eye. It appears as small yellowish-brown opacities in the subcapsular cortex of the lens and pupillary zone with petal-like spokes that extend towards the equator. It may be due to an intraocular foreign body containing copper, or from eyedrops that contain copper sulfate, or as part of Wilson' s disease. Management consists mainly of removal of the foreign body. Syn. sunflower cataract.