Chalcedon Foundation

Chalcedon Foundation

As the father of Christian reconstructionism, Rousas John Rushdoony called upon fundamentalist Christians to take control of American and world governments.

Rousas John Rushdoony (1916–2001) was a formidable scholar. For twenty-five years he read and annotated a book a day, six days a week. Such a voracious reading program by no means occupied his every waking hour. Rushdoony earned a master’s degree in English from the University of California at Berkeley, attended the Pacific School of Religion, and entered the Presbyterian ministry, serving a mission to the Chinese in San Francisco and, later, the Western Shoshone tribe in Idaho. He also wrote a number of books on politics, education, law, philosophy, and conservative Christianity. In 1965 Rushdoony moved to the Los Angeles area and founded the Chalcedon Foundation, recalling the Council of Chalcedon in 451, which proclaimed that the political structure of the state must be subservient to God.

In 1973 Rushdoony published his magnum opus, The Institutes of Biblical Law, an eight-hundred-page wake-up call to Protestants to begin to apply biblical legal principles to the real world around them. With this massive call to fundamental Christians to take control of American and world governments, Rushdoony became the “father of Christian reconstructionism.” In 1981 he served alongside Beverly and Tim LaHaye, Rev. Donald Wildmon, and Dr. D. James Kennedy in the Coalition for Revival, a group dedicated to “reclaiming” America.

What the Chalcedon Foundation Believes

  • The Ten Commandments must be the ordering principle applied to civil government in order for the free market and voluntary social action to flourish. Christians must take control of the U.S. government and impose strict biblical laws.
  • The death penalty should be applied to practicing homosexuals.
  • There should be no interracial marriages permitted or any kind of enforced integration allowed.
  • The Bible recognizes that some people are by nature meant to be slaves. Slavery in the pre–Civil War United States was really benevolent, in spite of contemporary efforts to make whites feel guilty.
  • The Holocaust did not happen in the manner that the Jews who “bear false witness” portray the alleged death camps.