diploic canals

di·plo·ic ca·nals

[TA] channels in the diploë that accommodate the diploic veins. Synonym(s): canales diploici [TA], Breschet canals


Gilbert, French anatomist, 1784-1845. Breschet bones - one of the small ossicles occasionally found in the ligaments of the sternoclavicular articulation. Synonym(s): os suprasternaleBreschet canals - channels in the diploë that accommodate the diploic veins. Synonym(s): diploic canalsBreschet hiatus - a semilunar opening at the apex of the cochlea through which the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani of the cochlea communicate with one another. Synonym(s): helicotremaBreschet sinus - a paired dural venous sinus beginning on the parietal bone, running along the sphenoidal ridges, and emptying into the cavernous sinus. Synonym(s): sphenoparietal sinusBreschet vein - one of the veins in the diploë of the cranial bones. Synonym(s): diploic vein

di·plo·ic ca·nals

(dip-lōik kă-nalz) [TA] Channels in the diploë that accommodate diploic veins.