


plant diseases caused by imperfect fungi of the genus Diplodia. They affect corn and citrus fruits more often than other plants. In diplodiosis of corn a white coating forms on the ears, and the diseased grains become dark brown; dark brown spots also appear on the stems near the lower nodes and on the roots and leaves. The disease is transmitted through seeds and plant residue. Development of diplodiosis is aided by rainy weather, high atmospheric temperatures, and cessation of plant growth. As a result of the disease yields are significantly reduced, and the nutritional value of the grain and the germinating capacity of seeds decrease. Countermeasures include crop rotation, cultivation of resistant varieties, sorting and fungicidal treatment of ears, normalization of stand density, and destruction of plant residue after the harvest.

In diplodioses of citrus fruits the shoots and leaves acquire a grayish-black coloration and frequently wither. On lemons the tips of shoots dry out, and the leaves wither. Counter-measures include treating plants with fungicides, cutting and burning infected tips, and burning fallen leaves.