Diplococcal Infection of Young Stock

Diplococcal Infection of Young Stock


or diplococcal septicemia, an infectious disease (most often of calves and lambs, more rarely of shoats and colts) that occurs with clinical symptoms of blood poisoning; in adult animals it occurs in the form of inflammation of the uterus and mammary glands.

The causative agent of the disease is Diplococcus septicus. Diplococcal infection of young stock was first described by the Dutch scientist J. Poels in 1899. It occurs everywhere, usually in the form of group outbreaks. Diseased animals are the source of infection. Infection occurs through the intestinal tract and the respiratory tract. Young animals up to the age of 2-4 months and adult animals after parturition are susceptible. Diplococcal infection leads to the death of young animals and a decrease in milk productivity. The milk of sick animals may be the source of infection for man. Sick animals are isolated and treated with specific serum. Prophylaxis consists in observance of zoohygienic norms for maintaining animals and vaccination of the young.


Chepurov, K. P., and A. V. Cherkasova. Diplokokkovye i streptokokkovye zabolevaniia zhivotnykh. Kiev, 1963.
Chepurov, K. P., and A. V. Cherkasova. “Diplokokkovaia infektsiia.” In Veterinarnaia entsiklopediia, vol. 2. Moscow, 1969.