

C5482350 (kō-hăb′ĭ-tāt′)intr.v. co·hab·i·tat·ed, co·hab·i·tat·ing, co·hab··tates Informal To cohabit.
[Back-formation from cohabitation.]


(koʊˈhæb ɪt)

v.i. 1. to live together as husband and wife, usu. without legal or religious sanction. 2. to live together in an intimate relationship. 3. to dwell with another or share the same place, as different species of animals. [1520–30; < Late Latin cohabitāre <co- co- + habitāre to have possession, frequentative of habēre to have] co•hab′it•ant, co•hab′it•er, n. co•hab`i•ta′tion, n.