cognitive stimulation


 [stim″u-la´shun] the act or process of stimulating; the condition of being stimulated; see also promotion and enhancement.cognitive stimulation in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as promotion of awareness and comprehension of surroundings by utilization of planned stimuli.cutaneous stimulation in the nursing interventions classification, a intervention" >nursing intervention defined as stimulation of the skin and underlying tissues for the purpose of decreasing undesirable signs and symptoms such as pain, muscle spasm, or inflammation.deep brain stimulation (DBS) patient-controlled, continuous, high-frequency electrical stimulation of a specific area of the brain by means of an implanted electrode, which is controlled by a battery implanted just below the clavicle. The electrical signals block those signals from the brain causing tremors and some other related problems such as occur in Parkinson's disease, tremor" >essential tremor, and dystonia.stimulation/nurturance in the omaha system, activities that promote healthy physical and emotional development.transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (transcutaneous neural stimulation) see transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation.

cognitive stimulation

A treatment for patients with mild dementia, in which patients are exposed to and tasked with mentally challenging exercises to improve their ability to think and interact effectively with their environment and with other people. It is used as an adjunct to medical therapy, often in a recreational setting, to make the activity fun and socially engaging. Synonym: psychostimulationSee also: stimulation