
con·verse 1

C0615200 (kən-vûrs′)intr.v. con·versed, con·vers·ing, con·vers·es 1. To engage in an exchange of thoughts and feelings by means of speech or sign language. See Synonyms at speak.2. Archaic To interact socially with others; associate.n. (kŏn′vûrs′) Archaic 1. An interchange of thoughts and feelings by means of speech or sign language; conversation.2. Social interaction.
[Middle English conversen, to associate with, from Old French converser, from Latin conversārī : com-, com- + versārī, to occupy oneself; see wer- in Indo-European roots.]

con·verse 2

C0615200 (kən-vûrs′, kŏn′vûrs′)adj. Reversed, as in position, order, or action; contrary.n. (kŏn′vûrs′)1. Something that has been reversed; an opposite.2. Logic A proposition obtained by conversion.
[Latin conversus, past participle of convertere, to turn around; see convert.]
con·verse′ly adv.


(ˈkɒnvɜːslɪ) adv (sentence modifier) in a contrary or opposite way; on the other hand
Adv.1.conversely - with the terms of the relation reversed; "conversely, not all women are mothers"


(ˈkonvəːs) noun the opposite; the contrary. 相反的事物/說法 相反的事物/说法 conversely (konˈvəːsli) adverb 反觀 相反地