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diplacusis Translationsdiplacusis
diplacusis[dī·plə′kyü·səs] (medicine) A difference in the pitch perceptions of the two ears when stimulated by the same sound frequency. diplacusis
diplacusis [dip″lah-koo´sis] the perception of a single auditory stimulus differently in one ear from in the other, so that two different sounds are heard.dip·la·cu·sis (dip'lă-kū'sis), Abnormal perception of sound, either in time or in pitch, so that one sound is heard as two. [G. diplous, double, + akousis, a hearing] dip·la·cu·sis (dip'lă-kyū'sis) Abnormal perception of sound, either in time or in pitch, so that one sound is heard as two. See also: binaural diplacusis[G. diplous, double, + akousis, a hearing]diplacusis A sensation of hearing two sounds of different pitch on exposure to a single sound. The condition is caused by a disorder of the COCHLEA. |