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dose equivalent
dose equivalent n (General Physics) a quantity that expresses the probability that exposure to ionizing radiation will cause biological effects. It is usually obtained by multiplying the dose by the quality factor of the radiation, but other factors may be considered. It is measured in sieverts (SI unit) or rems dose equivalent
dose equivalent[¦dōs ə′kwiv·ə·lənt] (nucleonics) The product of absorbed dose, in rads, and a number of modifying factors due to nonuniform distribution of internally deposited isotopes in radiobiology; the unit is the rem. dose equivalent
dose e·quiv·a·lent (dōs ē-kwiv'ă-lĕnt) In radiation therapy, product of absorbed dose and the quality factor; the SI unit of dose equivalent is sievert (Sv). dose equivalentIn radiology, the product of the absorbed dose and the quality factor. Expressed in rems or sieverts, it measures the effects of absorbing different types of radiation. See: quality factorSee also: equivalentLegalSeeDeFinancialSeeDEAcronymsSeedead end |