

单词 etc




et cetera.





ExTendible Compiler. Fortran-like, macro extendible. "ETC -An Extendible Macro-Based Compiler", B.N. Dickman, Proc SJCC38 (1971).


(EThereum Classic) The original Ethereum blockchain-based smart contracts system. See Ethereum.
FinancialSeeExport Trading Company


ETCElectronic Toll Collection
ETCEt Cetera (Latin: And So Forth)
ETCEstimated Time of Completion
ETCEducational Technology
ETCEntertainment Technology Center
ETCEverything to Connect
ETCElectronic Theatre Controls (theatre equipment company)
ETCEducate the Children (various locations)
ETCEmbracing the Child
ETCElectron Transport Chain (cellular respiration)
ETCExpanding the Circle (various organizations)
ETCEuropean Topic Centre (eionet)
ETCEuropean Topic Centre
ETCElectronic Throttle Control
ETCEnergy Technology Company
ETCExchange-Traded Commodities (UK)
ETCEducation and Training Committee (various organizations)
ETCEnhanced Telecommunications Corporation (Indiana)
ETCEstimated Total Cost
ETCEuropean Territorial Cooperation (EU)
ETCEnd of Thinking Capacity
ETCEntertainment Central (Philippines TV channel)
ETCEnvironmental Tectonics Corporation
ETCEducational Technology Conference (various locations)
ETCEndogenous Technological Change
ETCEngineering Technology Company
ETCExport Trading Company
ETCEspio the Chameleon (fictional character)
ETCEducation and Training Consultancy (various organizations)
ETCEquity Trust Company (Elyria, OH)
ETCEthiopian Telecommunications Corporation
ETCEnsemble Theatre Company (Los Angeles, CA)
ETCElectronic Traction Control (automobiles)
ETCEngineering Technology Centre (UK)
ETCExperimental Television Center (Owego, NY)
ETCEmerging Technologies Conference
ETCEuropean Transport Conference (Association for European Transport)
ETCE-Training Center (various organizations)
ETCEuropean Travel Commission
ETCEducation, Travel & Culture (Portland, OR)
ETCEstimate To Complete (Cost)
ETCEuropean Technology Centre (various locations)
ETCExperimental Theatre Club (University of Oxford; UK)
ETCEnglish Tourism Council
ETCEnrichment Technology Company (Netherlands)
ETCEducation and Training Consortium
ETCEvent Tag Collection
ETCEldorado Touring Coupe
ETCEnable Threshold Comparison
ETCEnterprise Technology Centre
ETCElectronic Traction Control
ETCExecution Trace Cache
ETCEt Caetera
ETCEnvironmental Training Center
ETCEnvironmental Training Centre (various locations)
ETCEnsemble Theatre of Cincinnati (Cincinnati, OH)
ETCEnvironmental Traveling Companions (San Francisco, CA)
ETCET Company
ETCEngineered Tissue Construct
ETCEqual Treatment Commission (various locations)
ETCEastern Transportation Corridor (California)
ETCErosion, Technology and Concentration
ETCEnvironmental Technology Centre (Canadian government agency)
ETCEarly Termination Charges
ETCEmployee Transportation Coordinator
ETCEducation To Careers
ETCEnvironmental Toxicology Center (University of Wisconsin)
ETCEmergency Trauma Center
ETCEastern Technology Council
ETCEarth Terrain Camera (astrophysics)
ETCElapsed Time Counter
ETCEquipment Trust Certificate (Aero financing)
ETCExtended Teaching Care (various locations)
ETCElection Technology Council
ETCElectricity Transmission Company
ETCEldorado Touring Coupe (Cadillac automobile)
ETCEnvironmental Technology Council
ETCExtra-Tropical Cyclone (meteorology)
ETCElectronic Trade Confirmation
ETCChief Electronics Technician (Naval Rating)
ETCEuropean Transportation Consultancy (Czech Republic)
ETCEar Technology Corporation (Johnson City, TN)
ETCEveryday Thoughts Collected (blog)
ETCEthiopian Tourism Commission
ETCElectronic Trading Community
ETCEsophageal Tracheal Combitube
ETCElectro-Thermal Chemical
ETCEnglish Technology Center (various locations)
ETCEchostar Technologies Corporation
ETCEducational Technologies Center
ETCEuropean Training Course
ETCElectro Thermal Chemical
ETCEstonian Trade Council (est. 1991)
ETCElectronic Ticket Capture
ETCExportable Training Capability (US DoD)
ETCEuropean Tea Committee (Germany)
ETCEmbedded Training Capability
ETCEastbourne Technology College (UK)
ETCEthernet Tributary Card
ETCEstimated Time of Commencement
ETCEcho Tracker Classifier
ETCEuropean Technology Consultants (contact centre, website, mobile and DTV design and implementation)
ETCEvangelizadores de Tiempo Completo (Spanish)
ETCEducation Television Channel
ETCEntertainment That Counts (TV show)
ETCEvergreen Tandem Club (Seattle, WA bicycle club)
ETCEuropean Training and Research Center for Human Rights and Democracy (Graz, Austria)
ETCEligible Telecom Carrier (Western Digital)
ETCEnterprise Team Collaboration (software)
ETCEnergy Training Complex
ETCEarth Terminal Complex
ETCExchange Terminal Circuit (Sprint)
ETCEnhanced Throughput Cellular protocol (Paradyne)
ETCEfficient Transport Chains (shipping)
ETCEuropean Theater Convention
ETCECHO Technical Committee
ETCEuropean Transportation Carrier (European Space Agency)
ETCElectronics Test Center (Canada)
ETCEasy Trucking Company
ETCEast Theater Company (East High School; Denver, CO)
ETCEfficient Transportation for the Community (Florida)
ETCEngineering Technical Code
ETCEnhanced Terminal Capability
ETCExportable Training Center
ETCEngineering Topographic Command
ETCEnvironmental Tree Consultancy (Ireland)
ETCEvaporator Thermostat Circuit
ETCExtended Tree Collapsing




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