Chaddock reflex

Chad·dock sign

(chad'ok), when the lateral malleolar skin area is irritated, extension of the great toe occurs in cases of organic disease of the corticospinal reflex paths. Synonym(s): Chaddock reflex

chad·dock sign

, Chaddock reflex (chad'ŏk sīn, rē'fleks) When the external malleolar skin area is irritated, extension of the great toe occurs in cases of organic disease of the corticospinal reflex paths.


Charles G., U.S. neurologist, 1861-1936. Chaddock reflex - Synonym(s): Chaddock signChaddock sign - when the external malleolar skin area is irritated, extension of the great toe occurs in cases of organic disease of the corticospinal reflex paths. Synonym(s): Chaddock reflex; external malleolar sign