Chabod, Federico
Chabod, Federico
Born Feb. 22, 1901, in Aosta; died July 4, 1960, in Rome. Italian historian. Director of the Italian Institute of Historical Research in Naples (1947); editor in chief of the journal Rivista storica italiana (1948–60).
During the fascist German occupation of Italy from 1943 to 1945, Chabod was active in the partisan movement in Valle d’Aosta. In 1946, after autonomy had been granted to the region, he headed its local government. His historical ideas were greatly influenced by the ethical and political world view of B. Croce. Chabod’s research focused on political ideas, the bearers and originators of these ideas, and the ruling elite. Many of his works were devoted to the Renaissance. His best known work is The History of Italy’s Foreign Policy from 1870 to 1896, of which only one volume was completed. In this work, Chabod presents a broad and many-sided picture of the ideological and political life of Italy after the country’s unification.
Lo stato di Milano nell’impero di Carlo V. Rome, 1934.Storia della politico estera italiana dal 1870 al 1896, vol. 1: Le premesse. Bari, 1951.
L’Italia contemporanea (1918–1948), 3rd ed. Turin, 1970.
Storia dell’ idea d’Europa. Bari, 1962.
L’idea di nazione. Bari, 1967.
Scritti su Machiavelli. Turin, 1964.