Emmet operation


(trak'ĕ-lōr'ă-fē), Repair by suture of a laceration of the cervix uteri. Synonym(s): Emmet operation [trachelo- + G. rhaphē, suture]


(trā'kĕ-lōr'ă-fē) Repair by suture of a laceration of the cervix uteri.
Synonym(s): Emmet operation.
[trachelo- + G. rhaphē, suture]

Emmet operation

(em′ĕt) [Thomas A. Emmet, U.S. gynecologist, 1828–1919] 1. Uterine trachelorrhaphy (i.e., suturing of a torn uterine cervix).2. Suturing of a lacerated perineum. 3. Conversion of a sessile submucous tumor of the uterus into a pedunculated one.

Additional procedures attributed to Emmet, such as repair of prolapsed uterus and creation of a vesicovaginal fistula, have been superseded by more modern procedures.


Thomas A., U.S. gynecologist, 1828-1919. Emmet forcepsEmmet hemostatic bagEmmet needle - a needle that is used to pass a ligature around an undissected structure.Emmet operation - suture repair of a cervix uteri laceration. Synonym(s): trachelorrhaphyEmmet ovarian trocarEmmet probeEmmet tenaculumEmmet uterine probeEmmet uterine scissors