Emmanuel, Pierre
Emmanuel, Pierre
Born May 3, 1916, in Gan, Basses-Pyrénées. French poet and essayist.
Emmanuel studied in Lyon at a Catholic college and at the faculty of philology of the university. He viewed the fate of society and man’s personal responsibility in terms of the religious ideas of the sinfulness and transitoriness of existence. During the fascist occupation of France, his poetry acquired an intensely patriotic tone in such collections as Orpheus’ Tomb (1941) and Fight With Your Defenders (1942). In his subsequent works, including the collections Babel (1951) and Sophia (1973), he depicted modern man’s loss of absolute ideals. Emmanuel is the author of works of literary criticism and essays devoted to problems of culture, such as The Parallel Revolution (1975).
In Russian translation:In Izsovremennykh frantsuzskikh poetov. Moscow, 1963.
[“Stikhotvoreniia.”] In la pishu tvoe imia, Svoboda. Moscow, 1967.
Istoriia frantsuzskoiliteratury, vol. 4. Moscow-Leningrad, 1963.Marissel, A. “P. Emmanuel.” Etudes, 1971, vol. 334, no. 1.