释义 |
DictionarySeeesotropiaconvergent squint
es·o·tro·pi·a (es'ō-trō'pē-ă), The form of strabismus in which the visual axes converge; may be paralytic or concomitant, monocular or alternating, accommodative or nonaccommodative. Synonym(s): convergent squint, convergent strabismus, esodeviation (2) , internal squint [G. esō, inward, + tropē, turn] squintS16-890440 (skwint) [ME. asquint, sidelong glance] 1. Abnormality in which the right and left visual axes do not bear toward an objective point simultaneously. See: strabismus2. To close the eyes partly, either to block out excess environmental light or to try to improve a refractive error of vision.3. To be unable to direct both eyes simultaneously toward a point.convergent squintEsotropia.divergent squintExotropia.external squintExotropia.internal squintEsotropia.convergent squint See STRABISMUS. |