Fort George Island Cultural State Park

Fort George Island Cultural State Park

Parks Directory of the United States / State Parks / Florida
Location:16 miles east of downtown Jacksonville on SR A1A; or 3 miles south of Little Talbot Island State Park.
Facilities:Boat ramp, nature trails, visitor center, meeting rooms, interpretive exhibits, gift store.
Activities:Canoeing, shoreline fishing, hiking, bicycling, guided tours.
Special Features:Huge shell mounds found on the island are evidence of Indian habitationdating back thousands of years. Fort George was built in 1736 byGeneral James Oglethorpe, founder of the Georgia Colony. The fort nolonger stands, and its actual location is not known. A key attractionof the park today is the recently restored Ribault Club. An exclusiveresort in the 1920s, it now houses the park's visitor center, with meetingspace available for special occasions.
Address:12157 Heckscher Dr
Jacksonville, FL 32226

Size: 630 acres land; 29 acres water.

See other parks in Florida.