释义 |
DictionarySeesyndromeCoffin-Siris syndrome
Cof·fin-Si·ris syn·drome (kof'ĭn sir'ĭs), [MIM*135900] characterized by mental retardation, bulbous nose, flat nasal bridge, moderate hirsutism, and digital anomalies with absence or hypoplasia of the nail and terminal phalanx of the fifth finger and/or the fifth toe; probably autosomal dominant inheritance. Synonym(s): fifth digit syndromeCoffin, Grange S., U.S. pediatrician, 1923–. Coffin-Lowry syndrome - Synonym(s): Coffin-Siris syndromeCoffin-Siris syndrome - mental retardation with wide bulbous (pugilistic) nose, low nasal bridge, moderate hirsutism, and digital anomalies. Synonym(s): Coffin-Lowry syndrome
Siris, Evelyn, U.S. radiologist, 1914-1987. Coffin-Siris syndrome - see under Coffin |