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DictionarySeesyndromeCoffin-Lowry syndrome
Cof·fin-Low·ry syn·drome (kof'ĭn low'rē), [MIM*303600] characterized by coarse facial features with bulbous nose, large ears, and thick lips; short stature; tapered fingers; skeletal anomalies and mental retardation. X-linked recessive inheritance, caused by mutation in the ribosomal S6 kinase gene (RSK) on chromosome Xp.Coffin-Lowry syndrome (kŏf′ĭn low′rē) A rare, X-linked genetic syndrome characterized by abnormalities of the head, face, and axial skeleton; mental retardation; short stature; and weak muscle tone.Coffin, Grange S., U.S. pediatrician, 1923–. Coffin-Lowry syndrome - Synonym(s): Coffin-Siris syndromeCoffin-Siris syndrome - mental retardation with wide bulbous (pugilistic) nose, low nasal bridge, moderate hirsutism, and digital anomalies. Synonym(s): Coffin-Lowry syndrome
Lowry, R. Brian, 20th century Irish medical geneticist in Canada. Coffin-Lowry syndrome - Synonym(s): Coffin-Siris syndromeAcronymsSeecombat lifesaver |