

单词 bvr



Balloon Valvuloplasty Registry. A registry that followed the acute and 30-day results of 674 patients who had undegone percutaneous balloon aortic valvooplasty.


BVRBeyond Visual Range
BVRBureau of Vocational Rehabilitation
BVRBlack Vinyl Records (independent music label)
BVRBusiness Valuation Review (journal)
BVRBiliverdin Reductase
BVRBulletin de Versement (French)
BVRBrazos Valley Recycling (College Station, TX)
BVRBundesverband der Volks-und Raiffeisenbanken (German Cooperatives Head)
BVRBklynvex Records
BVRBudget Vehicle Recovery (Georgia)
BVRBoycott Vulnerability Ratio
BVRBig Vin Records
BVRBroadcast Video Rentals, Ltd
BVRBusiness Valuation Resources, LLC
BVRBenefits Valuation Report
BVRBreadboard Voltage Regulator
BVRBest Value Revue
BVRBundesverband der Fernseh- und Filmregisseure in Deutschland (German: Federation of Television and Film Directors in Germany)
BVRBeyond Visual Recognition
BVRBattery Voltage Relay
BVRBrighton Vehicle Rentals (UK)
BVRBig Virtual Router
BVRBiventricular Repair
BVRBao Varakhii Rattery (Grand Rapids, MI)
BVRBoîte de Vitesse Robotisée (French: Automated Gearbox)
BVRBlackwater Valley Runners (UK)
BVRBiometric Verification Registration (Ghana)
BVRBroadband Vehicle Router (wireless communications)
BVRBundeverband Regie (German directors guild)
BVRBelgische Vereniging van de Rubberindustrie (Dutch: Belgian Rubber Industry Association; Brussels, Belgium)




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