Acronym | Definition |
BVL➣Bolsa de Valores de Lima (Spansih: Lima Stock Exchange; Peru) |
BVL➣Bundesamt für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit (Germany: Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety) |
BVL➣Bundesvereinigung Logistik (German: Federal Logistics Association) |
BVL➣Battery Voltage Level (electronics) |
BVL➣Benefit Verification Letter (Social Security Administration) |
BVL➣Bowlers to Veterans Link |
BVL➣Bolsa de Valores de Lisboa |
BVL➣Buena Ventura Lakes (Florida) |
BVL➣Beroepsvoorbereidend Leerjaar (Dutch) |
BVL➣Bolsa de Comercio de Lima (Spanish: Lima Stock Exchange; Lima, Peru) |
BVL➣Bureau du Val de Loire (French fruit distributor; Maine-et-Loire, France) |
BVL➣Bourgogne Vol Libre (French flight school) |
BVL➣Bouët, Vidal, Laroudie (French architectural firm) |
BVL➣Berrimah Veterinary Laboratories (Australia) |