Egbert Liudvigovich Volf

Vol’f, Egbert Liudvigovich


Born Aug. 24, 1860, in Berlin; died 1931, in Leningrad. Dendrologist and horticulturist.

Vol’f arrived in Russia (St. Petersburg) in 1882 and worked at the Botanical Garden (1882-84 and 1925-31) and the Forestry Institute (1886-1925; now the Forestry Technology Academy). He introduced into cultivation near Leningrad several species of trees and shrubs, particularly enriching the park of the Forestry Technology Academy. Among Vol’f s main works are manuals on dendrology: A Guide to Trees and Shrubs of European Russia, the Crimea, and the Caucasus, According to Leaves and Flowers (1904; with I. V. Palibin) and Coniferous Trees and Shrubs of the European and Asiatic USSR (1925).


Russkie botaniki: Biografo-bibliograficheskii slovar’, vol. 2. Compiled by S. Iu. Lipshits. Moscow, 1947.