

单词 ega





(analytical chemistry) evolved gas analysis


Enhanced Graphics Adapter


(Enhanced Graphics Adapter) The second color display interface for the IBM PC, which debuted with the PC/AT in 1984 (it was superseded by VGA three years later). EGA was a digital display system that required an RGB Enhanced Color Display monitor. It boosted the previous CGA's 640x200 mode from two to 16 colors and added a 640x350 resolution. Third-party adapters increased resolutions to 640x400 and beyond. See CGA and VGA.



abbr. estimated gestational age


EGAEnhanced Graphics Adapter (640 by 350 pixels; 1.83:1 aspect ratio)
EGAEntreprise Générale d'Aménagement (French: General Contractor of Planning)
EGAExtended Graphics Array
EGAEmbroiderers' Guild of America (Louisville, KY)
EGAEdge Select for Strobe a
EGAEnd of Guarded Area
EGAEnhanced Graphics Adapter
EGAEnvironmental Grantmakers Association
EGAEnsidigt Gentaget Arbejde (Danish: repetitive jobs)
EGAEnterprise Grid Alliance
EGAEntreprise Générale de l'Aisne (French general contractor)
EGAEuropean Golf Association (Switzerland)
EGAEagle, Globe, and Anchor (emblem of the United States Marine Corps)
EGAE-Government Authority (United Arab Emirates)
EGAEuropean Generic medicines Association
EGAEdizioni Gruppo Abele (Abel Editions Group; activist organization, Italy)
EGAEstimated Gestational Age (obstetrics)
EGAEvolved Gas Analysis
EGAElegant Gothic Aristocrat (Japanese fashion)
EGAÉlectricité Générale d'Ajaccio (French: General Power of Ajaccio; Ajaccio, France)
EGAÉlectricité Générale et Automatisme (French: General Electric and Automation)
EGAEmployment Guarantee Act
EGAExhaust Gas Analyzer
EGAErmont Golf Association (France)
EGAEnhanced Graphics Array (640 by 350 pixels; 1.83:1 aspect ratio)
EGAEnvironment General Authority (Libyan preservationist organization)
EGAEarth Gravity Assist (gravity speed boost to a satellite)
EGAEntreprise Générale Armoricaine (French general contractor)
EGAEmergency General Assistance (welfare program, numerous states)
EGAEntente Gymnique Avignon (French sports club)
EGAEntreprise Goetz et Associés (French: Goetz and Company Associates)
EGAEvolved Gas Analyzer (scientific device for studying gases)
EGAEmbryonic Genome Activation
EGAÉlectricité Générale Appliquée (French: Applied General Electric)
EGAEl Golea, Algeria (airport code)
EGAExecutive General Adjuster (insurance)
EGAEntreprise Générale Auboise (French general contractor)
EGAEngine Gimbal Actuator (astronomy)
EGAEmpire Group Alliance
EGAEnterprise Grains Australia (grain quality improvement joint venture)
EGAEquilibrium Genetic Algorithm (genetics computation)
EGAEnhanced Global Asset (international stock holding)
EGAEdwin Gould Academy (New York City)
EGAEgyptian German Automotive Co.
EGAElite Gymnastics Academy (Burnsville, MN)
EGAEmbryonic Gene Activation
EGAethylene glycol adipate
EGAEthics in Government Act of 1978
EGAE-Government Act of 2002
EGAElectronic Great Awakening (educational/religious techno-literacy program)
EGAEmissivity Growth Approximation
EGAEmpty Net Goals Against (hockey)
EGAEuropean Gaucher Alliance (Europe)
EGAElberton Granite Association, Inc. (Elberton, GA)
EGAEmissivity Curve of Growth Approximation
EGAElitist Model of Genetic Algorithm
EGAEnvironment Generation and Analysis
EGAExtended Guarantee Annuity
EGAEmerson Gerard Associates, Inc. (marketing firm)
EGAEquity Growth Account
EGAextraneous and gratuitous acronym
EGAElizabeth Garrett Anderson School for Girls (London, England)
EGAendotracheal general anesthesia (intubation for anesthesia)
EGAendocervical glandular atypia (precancerous condition of the cervix)
EGAeminentia granularis anterior (section of the brain)




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