conus medullaris


 [ko´nus] (pl. co´ni) (L.) cone.1. a cone-shaped structure.2. posterior staphyloma of the myopic eye.conus arterio´sus the anterosuperior portion of the right ventricle of the heart, at the entrance to the pulmonary trunk. Called also infundibulum.conus medulla´ris the cone-shaped lower end of the spinal cord, at the level of the upper lumbar vertebrae.

co·nus me·dul·la·'ris

[TA] the tapering lower extremity of the spinal cord. Synonym(s): medullary cone [TA]

conus medullaris

Anatomy The inferior, tapering portion of the spinal cord. See Spinal cord.

med·ul·lar·y cone

(med'ŭ-lar'ē kōn) [TA] The tapering lower extremity of the spinal cord.
Synonym(s): conus medullaris [TA] .