释义 |
DictionarySeeomphaloceleEncyclopediaSeeumbilical herniaexumbilication
exumbilication [eks″um-bil″ĭ-ka´shun] 1. marked protrusion of the navel.2. umbilical hernia.ex·om·pha·los (eks-om'fă-lŭs), 1. Protrusion of the umbilicus. Synonym(s): exumbilication (1) 2. Synonym(s): umbilical hernia3. Synonym(s): omphalocele [G. ex, out, + omphalos, umbilicus] ex·om·pha·los (eks-om'fă-lŏs, makrō-glosē-ă, ji-gantizm sindrōm) 1. Protrusion of the umbilicus. Synonym(s): exumbilication (1) . 2. Synonym(s): umbilical hernia. 3. Synonym(s): omphalocele. [G. ex, out, + omphalos, umbilicus]
om·phal·o·cele (om-fal'ŏ-sēl) Congenital herniation of viscera into the base of the umbilical cord, with a covering membranous sac of peritoneum-amnion. See also: umbilical hernia Synonym(s): exomphalos (3) , exumbilication (3) . [omphalo- + G. kēlē, hernia]
um·bil·i·cal her·ni·a (ŭm-bil'i-kăl hĕr'nē-ă) A hernia in which intestine or omentum protrudes through the abdominal wall under the skin at the umbilicus. See also: omphalocele Synonym(s): exomphalos (2) , exumbilication (2) . ThesaurusSeeexomphalos |