

单词 et



abbr.1. Eastern Time2. elapsed time3. extraterrestrial


the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Ethiopia


the chemical symbol for (Chemistry) ethyl


abbreviation for 1. (Education) Employment Training: a government scheme offering training in technological and business skills to unemployed people 2. Egypt (international car registration)


a noun suffix occurring orig. in loanwords from French or Italian, typically diminutives or nouns denoting an example or instance of something, or a group or member of a group having a specified number ( bullet; hatchet; islet; turret; doublet; quartet); of limited productivity in English ( baronet; octet; quintuplet; swimmeret), sometimes as a variant of -let before stems ending in syllabic l ( eaglet; owlet).Compare -ette. [Middle English < Old French -et (masculine) or -ette (feminine); or < Italian -etto,-etta]


or E.T.,

Eastern time.


et al.

And others. It is an abbreviation of a Latin phrase (et alii, et aliae or et alia, depending on the number and gender), and is typically used after a name or list of names to indicate the inclusion of others. This research was carried out by Richards et al.See also: ET

et tu, Brute

A phrase used to express one's dismay at mistreatment or betrayal. The phrase is attributed to Julius Caesar, whose close friend Brutus conspired to murder him. The Latin phrase translates to, "And you, Brutus?" Wow, even my own sister is gossiping about me now. Et tu, Brute?See also: brute, ET

et tu, Brute!

You, my so-called friend, are also betraying me. This expression is generally credited to Shakespeare, who used the exact Latin locution (literally, “and you, Brutus”) in Julius Caesar (3.1) in 1599. However, Shakespeare actually was loosely quoting the real Julius Caesar, who reportedly said, “You too, my child?” when Marcus Brutus stabbed him in 44 b.c. Caesar made this dying remark in Greek (according to Suetonius’s account). Incidentally, “Brute” did not signify “brute” in the sense of animal; it simply is the proper Latin case for this name. A more recent version, with friends like that/you, who needs enemies, became current in America in the 1960s. It usually is a response to a far less dire betrayal—a tactless remark by a friend, for example.See also: ET

et tu, Brute?

(pronounced “Bru-TAY”) An expression of feeling betrayed. Marcus Brutus was one of the conspirators against Julius Caesar, formerly his great friend. Shakespeare's drama has Caesar's dying words the Latin for “and you, Brutus?” meaning “and you too” and uttered with tragic resignation as the Roman emperor recognized Brutus as one of his assassins.See also: ET



(in Britain) Employment Training: a government scheme offering training in technological and business skills to unemployed people


Abbrev. for ephemeris time.


(1)Bernd Gersdorf, U Bremen. An integration of functional andlogic programming.


(networking)The country code for Ethiopia.


(1) See energy technology.

(2) (Encyclopedia Toolkit) The Encyclopedia Toolkit (E.T.) is a utility that lets multiuser customers add their own definitions into the Windows version of CDE. This is not interactive. All new terms must be coded in a text file that E.T. merges into CDE. E.T. re-indexes the database, and a new set of files is created for distribution to the server.

The Virtual Hypertext Bonus
Every custom term added is automatically hypertexted to all the terms in CDE. If a technical word is used to describe something, the definition of that word is retrieved instantly by clicking it as long as it is in CDE.

Procedure Summary
1. Copy et.exe into a work folder.

2. Create your definitions .TXT file (see Sample Coding below) and copy to work folder. Do not prefix .TXT file names with "CDE;" for example, "CDEterms.txt" is not valid.

3. Run E.T. and select FILE/ESTABLISH NEW DATABASE. You will be prompted for the folder where the existing encyclopedia is installed. E.T. will copy CDE.EXE, CDE.ABC, CDE.TXT and INTRO.BMP from that folder into the work folder. CDE.ABC and CDE.TXT are renamed CURRENT.ABC and CURRENT.TXT.

4. Select FILE/UPDATE and Add the .TXT files.

5. Click PROCESS.

6. To test the changes, select FILE/TEST UPDATED ENCYCLOPEDIA.

7. Copy the following updated files from the work folder to the CDE server folder:


Sample Coding
Following are the four transaction types:
 + new term To add a term, put a plus sign on a line by itself, the term name on the next line, then the text. You can have up to 64K of text in each entry. In this transaction, all the text in this paragraph would be entered under the term "new term." - AFIPS The minus sign deletes an existing definition, but you can put text here for internal comments. = BASIC in ROM This transaction replaces this text with the existing definition for "BASIC in ROM." & AS/400 This text is appended to AS/400. A message is also inserted by the Toolkit to indicate this is a user-extended entry.

Bold, Italic, Subscript and Superscript
You may use standard HTML start and end tags.
, , , .

Paragraph Headers
CDE supports this subhead:

Centered Subhead

To display a centered header like the one above, use an code with *no* end tag:
 Code Headers Like This

Images in the Definitions
CDE supports GIFs, JPEGs and WMFs. This shows how to code an image (*no* end tags). Be sure to copy new images to the CDE pictures subfolder in the server.

 frabbit.gif <b>Our Latest Frabbit</b> <caption>Our company makes the best frabbits in the industry.</caption>



Abbreviation for ethyl.


Abbreviation for endotracheal tube.

endotracheal tube

(en?do-tra'ke-al) [? + ?],


CUFFED ENDOTRACHEAL TUBEA catheter inserted into the trachea to provide or protect an airway. See: illustration Synonym: tracheal tube; intubation tube


Although an ET is often thought to be the most secure and definitive airway, its use in emergencies may be complicated by misplacement (e.g., in the esophagus instead of in the trachea), displacement (e.g., during patient transport), or injury to the airway.

enterostomal therapist



An individual trained to teach patients proper methods of caring for an ostomy. The certification title is certified enterostomal therapy nurse (CETN).

Enterostomal therapist (ET)

A specialized counselor, usually a registered nurse, who provides ostomy patients with education and counseling before the operation. After surgery, the ET helps the patient learn to take care of the stoma and appliance, and offers long-term emotional support.Mentioned in: Enterostomy

Patient discussion about ET

Q. Are throat nodulars caused by second hand smoke, allergy drip, and reflux. Also can chlorine and rust in water A. Throat nodules, or also known as - vocal cord nodules, are usually caused by maximum contact between the two vocal cords. The cause of these formations are usually strenuous or abusive voice practices such as yelling and coughing. Persons who are often susceptible are those who use their voice constantly in a loud environment. Examples include teachers, cheerleaders, politicians, actors, musicians and singers. I am not sure I understand the question about chlorine and rust in water, I don't think these factors have a connection to vocal cord nodules. Other throat nodules can be cause by smoking (not as much in second hand smoke), alcohol or chewed tobbacco use.

Q. can i get lung cancer from second hand smoking? what is the red line amount? how long do i need to expose to a smoking environment before i risk lung cancer ?A. Yes, second hand (or passive) smoking is indeed a risk factor for lung cancer. How much? It depends both on the environment of the passive smoking (e.g. to how many smokers one is exposed) and on genetic factors. Don't know about threshold, but it seems that the more you avoid it the better.

Q. can i get lung cancer from second hand smoking? what is the red line amount? how long do i need to expose to a smoking environment before i risk lung cancer ?A. thanks dominicus.. hope our short explanation can answer your question, chocolat?

More discussions about ET



The two-character ISO 3166 country code for ETHIOPIA.


1. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. This is the code used in international transactions to and from Ethiopian bank accounts.

2. ISO 3166-2 geocode for Ethiopia. This is used as an international standard for shipping to Ethiopia. Each administration and state has its own code with the prefix "ET." For example, the code for the State of Afar is ISO 3166-2:ET-AF.


ETEastern Time
ETEntertainment Tonight (TV show)
ETElapsed Time
ETEnd Time
ETEconomic Times (newspaper in India)
ETEarly Times (Kentucky bourbon)
ETExternal Tank (US NASA; Space Shuttle)
ETEnemy Territory
ETEnvironmental Technology
ETEngineering Technology
ETEducational Technology (various schools)
ETExecution Time
ETEarly Type (weapon)
ETElevated Temperature
ETElectronic Transmission
ETExercise Time
ETElectronic Technology
ETEnd Tidal
ETExpert Team
ETEmbryo Transfer
ETEvan Turner (basketball player)
ETEmployment Training
ETEarly Termination
ETExecutive Team (various organizations)
ETEmerging Technology
ETEssential Tremor
ETExperimental Therapeutics (cancer research)
ETEffective Temperature
ETEvaluation Team
ETEmissions Trading
ETExercise Tolerance (cardiology)
ETEnabling Technologies
ETElectrical Test
ETEnergy and Technology
ETElectronics Technician
ETElectronic Time
ETEndotracheal Tube
ETEddy (Current) Testing (NDE method)
ETEngineering Technician (NICET)
ETExit Time
ETEdge Thickness (optics)
ETEmployment Tribunal (UK)
ETEvent Timer
ETEmergency Telecommunications
ETEmployment Taxes
ETEsotropia (form of strabismus)
ETErsatzteil (German: spare part)
ETEx Tempore (Latin: At That Time)
ETExpansion Tank (water tank)
ETEqual Temperament (musical tuning system)
ETEnterprise Technology
ETElliptical Trainer
ETEssential Thrombocythemia (overproduction of platelets)
ETElephant Talk
ETEthyl Group (Ch3ch2)
ETEngineering Test
ETEarly Transcendentals (calculus education)
ETEnd Transmission
ETExtra Traffic
ETEnd Transaction
ETEnd Turn (gaming)
ETEngineering Times
ETEarth Tech (Long Beach, California)
ETEquivalent Training
ETExhaustive Testing
ETEnhanced Technology
ETEarth Terminal
ETEmbedded Training
ETExternal Test
ETEjection Time
ETEvent Tree
ETEphemeris Time
ETElectronic Tool
ETEnhanced Telephone
ETEx Testamento (Latin: From Hi/Her Will, epigraphy)
ETEjército de Tierra (Spanish Army)
ETEndurance Testing
ETEnhanced Throughput
ETExponential Tail
ETEnterostomal Therapist
ETEarlsfort Terrace (University College, Dublin Campus)
ETEnterprise Toronto
ETElectronic Tongue
ETExchange Terminal
ETFCC Office of Engineering and Technology
ETEnterprise Transition (Strategy)
ETExchange Termination
ETExploring Transfer (Vassar College; Poughkeepsie, NY)
ETElectrical Transcription
ETEthiopian Airlines Enterprise (IATA airline code)
ETEnergy Technology Programs
ETEmergency Transaction
ETExtrathoracic Region
ETEscape Tone (music)
ETEnhancement Traffic
ETEcotox Threshold (EPA)
ETElectronic Technican
ETElogic Technologies Pvt Ltd. (India)
ETElement Tracker (Sprint)
ETEpstein Technique (oral history)
ETEnhanced Trackwolf
ETEagle Talisman (amulet in game Shilla)
ETEinrücktermin (German)
ET(USN Rating) Electronics Technician
ETEntomofauna of Turkey
ThesaurusSeeendotracheal tube




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