

单词 acts




A0067200 (ăkt)n.1. The process of doing or performing something: the act of thinking.2. a. Something done or performed; a deed: a charitable act.b. Law Something done that has legal significance: a criminal act.3. A statute or other law formally adopted by a legislative body: an act of Congress.4. A formal written record of proceedings or transactions.5. One of the major divisions of a play, opera, or film.6. a. A performance or entertainment usually forming part of a longer presentation: a juggling act; a magic act.b. The actor or actors presenting such a performance: joined the act in Phoenix.7. A manifestation of intentional or unintentional insincerity; a pose: put on an act.v. act·ed, act·ing, acts v.tr.1. To play the part of; assume the dramatic role of: She plans to act Ophelia in summer stock.2. To perform (a role) on the stage: act the part of the villain.3. a. To behave like or pose as; impersonate: Don't act the fool.b. To behave in a manner suitable for: Act your age.v.intr.1. To behave or comport oneself: She acts like a born leader.2. To perform in a dramatic role or roles.3. To be suitable for theatrical performance: This scene acts well.4. To behave affectedly or unnaturally; pretend.5. To appear or seem to be: The dog acted ferocious.6. To carry out an action: We acted immediately. The governor has not yet acted on the bill.7. To operate or function in a specific way: His mind acts quickly.8. To serve or function as a substitute for another: A coin can act as a screwdriver.9. To produce an effect: waited five minutes for the anesthetic to act.Phrasal Verbs: act out1. To perform in or as if in a play; represent dramatically: act out a story.2. To realize in action: wanted to act out his theory.3. To engage in socially inappropriate or impulsive behavior as a manifestation of psychological or emotional pain or turmoil. act up1. To misbehave.2. To malfunction.3. Informal To become active or troublesome after a period of quiescence: My left knee acts up in damp weather. Her arthritis is acting up again.Idioms: be in on the act To be included in an activity. clean up (one's) act Slang To improve one's behavior or performance. get into the act To insert oneself into an ongoing activity, project, or situation. get (one's) act together Slang To get organized.
[Middle English, from Old French acte, from Latin āctus, a doing, and āctum, a thing done, both from past participle of agere, to drive, do; see ag- in Indo-European roots.]
ac′ta·bil′i·ty n.act′a·ble adj.Usage Note: Act and action both mean "a deed" and "the process of doing." However, other senses of act, such as "a decision made by a legislative body" and of action, such as "habitual or vigorous activity" show that act tends to refer to a deed while action tends to refer to the process of doing. Thus, people engage in sex acts but not sex actions. By the same token, one may want a piece of the action, but not a piece of the act. The demands of meaning or idiom often require one word or the other. In some cases, either can be used: my act (or action) was premature.


A0067300 (ā′sē-tē′) A trademark for a standardized college entrance examination.


abbr. Australian Capital Territory
Noun1.acts - a New Testament book describing the development of the early church from Christ's Ascension to Paul's sojourn at RomeActs - a New Testament book describing the development of the early church from Christ's Ascension to Paul's sojourn at RomeActs of the ApostlesNew Testament - the collection of books of the Gospels, Acts of the Apostles, the Pauline and other epistles, and Revelation; composed soon after Christ's death; the second half of the Christian Bible



(Automated Computer Time Service) An NIST service since 1988 that provides an ultra-accurate time based on several atomic clocks. ACTS lets computers using NIST software dial up the service via an analog modem and obtain the current time. For more information, visit http://tf.nist.gov/service/acts.htm.



A trial comparing administration of low-molecular-weight (LMW) heparin (Logiparin™) to continuous IV unfractionated heparin (IVUF) as an initial treatment of proximal-vein thrombosis.
Conclusion LMW heparin is as effective as IVUF and more convenient.


ACTSAdvanced Communications Technology Satellite
ACTSAccess to Care, Treatment and Support (HIV/AIDS)
ACTSAssociation of Christian Teachers and Schools
ACTSAction of Churches Together in Scotland (UK)
ACTSAfrican Centre for Technology Studies
ACTSAutomated Computer Time Server
ACTSAdvanced Communication Technology Satellite
ACTSAdvanced Communications Technologies and Services
ACTSAdvanced CompuTational Software
ACTSAction for Community Service Society (India)
ACTSAutomated Computer Time Service
ACTSAir Corps Tactical School
ACTSAdoration Confession Thanksgiving Supplication (prayer guideline)
ACTSAssociation of Chicago Theological Schools (Illinois)
ACTSAir Combat Training System
ACTSAdvisory Committee on Toxic Substances
ACTSAdvanced Communications Technologies Services
ACTSAdvanced Clinical Trial Solutions
ACTSAnnual Caribbean Tourism Summit
ACTSAutomated Coin Toll Service
ACTSAutomated Case Tracking System
ACTSAdvanced Crew Transportation System (Russian Soyuz spacecraft model)
ACTSAlcohol Chemical Treatment Series
ACTSActivating Children's Thinking Skills
ACTSAmazon Conservatory for Tropical Studies
ACTSAegis Combat Training System
ACTSAsbestos Contractor Tracking System
ACTSAutomatic Coin Telephone Service
ACTSAssociation of Cambridge Theatre Societies (UK)
ACTSAdoration, Contrition, Thanksgiving, Supplication
ACTSAutomatic Coin Telephone System
ACTSAdoration Community Theology Service
ACTSAbundant Care Training Services (Detroit, MI)
ACTSAmerican Council for Trade in Services
ACTSAmerican Coalition for Traffic Safety, Inc.
ACTSArmy Compliance Tracking System
ACTSAppeals Case Tracking System
ACTSAdvanced Civil Transport Simulator
ACTSAcoustic Control and Telemetry System
ACTSAgency Check Tracking System
ACTSAdaptive Computerized Training System
ACTSAboriginal Christian Training Services (Tweed Heads, New South Wales, Australia)
ACTSAssociation of Competitive Telecommunications Suppliers (Canada)
ACTSAutomatic Computer Telex Service
ACTSAll-Channel Television Society
ACTSAutomated Compatibility Test System (CTL/GSFC/NASA)
ACTSAttorney-Client Trust Scale
ACTSAccountability, Controllability, and Traceability System
ACTSAssociation of Cable Television Suppliers
ACTSAutomated Circuit Test System
ACTSAutomated Communications Test System
ACTSAdventists Commissioned to Train Servants for Christ (Canada)
ACTSAutomated Communication Telemanagement System
ACTSAdjustable Convertible Trust Security
ACTSAutomated COSAL Tracking System
ACTSAutomatic Cloud Tracking System
ACTSAdvanced Extremely-High-Frequency COMSEC/TRANSEC System (NSA)
ACTSAssociation of Clerical Technical Staffs
ACTSAssignment/Correspondence Tracking System
ACTSAutomated Configuration Tracking System
ACTSAssociation pour les Cardio-Transplantés de Strasbourg
ACTSApache Crew Trainer System
ACTSAutomated Centralized Telemanagement System
ACTSAffimex Customs and Trade Services (Canada)
ACTSAutomated CDRL and Tracking System
ACTSAmerican Countryside Tourism Strategies
ACTSAcquisition Control & Tracking System


  • noun

Synonyms for Acts

noun a New Testament book describing the development of the early church from Christ's Ascension to Paul's sojourn at Rome


  • Acts of the Apostles

Related Words

  • New Testament




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