dorsal hypothalamic area

dorsal hypothalamic area

[TA] a relatively small region of the hypothalamus located inferior to the hypothalamic sulcus; contains the following nuclei: portions of the dorsomedial nucleus [TA] (nucleus dorsomedialis [TA]), endopeduncular nucleus [TA]) (nucleus endopeduncularis [TA]), and portions of the nucleus of the ansa lenticularis (nucleus ansae lenticularis [TA]).
See also: hypothalamus.
Synonym(s): area hypothalamica dorsalis [TA], dorsal hypothalamic region ☆

dor·sal hy·po·thal·am·ic a·re·a

(dōr'săl hī'pō-thal'ă-mik ār'ē-ă) [TA] A relatively small region of the hypothalamus located ventral to the hypothalamic sulcus; contains the following nuclei: portions of the dorsomedial nucleus (nucleus dorsomedialis [TA]), endopeduncular nucleus (nucleus endopeduncularis [TA]), and portions of the nucleus of the ansa lenticularis (nucleus ansae lenticularis [TA]).