dorsal carpal arterial arch

dorsal carpal arterial arch

[TA] a vascular network over the dorsal surface of the carpal joints, formed by anastomoses of branches of the anterior and posterior interosseous, and dorsal carpal branches of the radial and ulnar arteries. Synonym(s): rete carpale dorsale [TA], dorsal carpal network, rete carpi posterius

dor·sal car·pal ar·te·ri·al arch

(dōr'săl kahr'păl ahr-tēr'ē-ăl ahrch) [TA] A vascular network over the dorsal surface of the carpal joints, formed by anastomoses of branches of the anterior and posterior interosseous and dorsal carpal branches of the radial and ulnar arteries.
Synonym(s): dorsal carpal network, rete carpale dorsale, rete carpi posterius.