

单词 cga





Color Graphics Adapter


(Color Graphics Adapter) The first color display interface for the IBM PC, which debuted in 1981. CGA was a digital display system that required an RGB Color Display monitor. It provided 16 colors in 80x25 or 40x25 text modes, but only four colors at 320x200 resolution and two colors at 640x200. CGA was superseded by EGA, and then VGA. See EGA and VGA.



Abbreviation for catabolite gene activator.


(a-ses'ment) [L. assessare, to assess a tax] 1. An appraisal or evaluation of a patient's condition by a physician, nurse, or other health care provider, based on clinical and laboratory data, medical history, and the patient's account of symptoms.2. The process by which a patient's condition is appraised or evaluated.

comprehensive assessment

A detailed, systematic physical examination of a patient.

comprehensive geriatric assessment

Abbreviation: CGA
A multidisciplinary process to evaluate the medical, functional, psychiatric, and social strengths and limitations in older patients. CGA provides a focus on the interrelated factors that contribute to illness. By addressing the complexity of needs, in some studies CGA improves survival and decreases the frequency of acute care hospitalization.

external quality assessment

Abbreviation: EQA
Proficiency testing.

fetal assessment

Estimating the health status of a fetus by a variety of techniques in order to prevent developmental injuries or death. Synonym: fetal monitoring in utero See: amniocentesis; chorionic villus sampling; deceleration; Doppler echocardiography; fetal heart rate monitoring; fetal (vibratory) acoustic stimulationtable
amniotic fluid volume measurement
biophysical profile
chorionic villus sampling
contraction stress testing
Doppler velocimetry
fetal movement counting (with ultrasound correlation)
monitoring of fetal heart rate
nonstress test

functional assessment

In rehabilitation, the determination of a person's ability to perform everyday tasks and requirements of living. Functional assessment scales vary greatly with respect to the number, type, and scoring of the tasks used to determine performance levels, their degree of standardization, and their predictive validity. See: activities of daily living

functional gait assessment

Functional ambulation profile.

gait assessment

An analysis of a person's ability to walk, esp. to identify those deficits that limit safe walking. It involves evaluations of the patient's muscular strength, joint movement, balance, posture, sensory perception, and spatial orientation.


During gait assessments, care should be taken to anticipate and prevent injuries that may occur if the patient falls.
Synonym: gait analysis

gestational age assessment

1. Estimation of the prenatal age of the fetus, typically by reviewing the pregnant woman's menstrual history, making measurements of fundal height, or by making ultrasonic measurements of fetal parts. This information is essential so that appropriately timed obstetrical care can be provided and the pregnancy's progress can be compared with normal standards. See: amniocentesis; fundal height2. Estimation of newborn maturity; comparison of newborn assessment findings against the expected physical and neuromuscular characteristics consistent with a given point in gestation. See: Dubowitz tool; large for gestational age; small for gestational age

Kitchen Task Assessment

Abbreviation: KTA
A performance-based measure of cognitive function in which a subject is asked to follow a pudding recipe, and the amount of support needed to complete the task is measured. The test has been used to assess the ability of demented patients to make their own meals and to demonstrate to caregivers the amount of support that cognitively impaired individuals may need when performing simple household tasks.

needs assessment

An analysis of what is necessary to solve an administrative or clinical problem, and what resources must be used to accomplish the task.

nursing assessment

See: nursing assessment

pain assessment

A determination of the character, duration, intensity, and location of a patient's pain, including its effects on his or her ability to function.

primary assessment

The first evaluation of the patient in the field, conducted after it is clear that the scene is safe. This preliminary evaluation is designed to locate and manage life-threatening injuries or illness and to determine the patient's triage priority. The initial assessment follows the sequence of mental status, airway, breathing, and circulation.

rapid trauma assessment

Abbreviation: RTA
The evaluation of a trauma patient's head, neck, chest, abdomen, pelvis, extremities, and posterior, conducted after the initial assessment in patients with a forceful mechanism of injury, such as a car crash. Synonym: rapid trauma exam

risk assessment

An estimate of the hazards people face, made by compiling data about disease and death rates during specified periods of time.

secondary assessment

The more thorough evaluation of a patient after the initial examination of his ABCs (airway, breathing, and circulation).

comprehensive geriatric assessment

Abbreviation: CGA
A multidisciplinary process to evaluate the medical, functional, psychiatric, and social strengths and limitations in older patients. CGA provides a focus on the interrelated factors that contribute to illness. By addressing the complexity of needs, in some studies CGA improves survival and decreases the frequency of acute care hospitalization. See also: assessment


CGAColor Graphics Adapter (320 by 200 pixels, 4 colors; 1.60:1 or 640 by 200 pixels, 2 colors; 3.20:1)
CGACommon Ground Alliance (Alexandria, Virginia)
CGACertified General Accountant
CGACompressed Gas Association
CGAComputer Graphics and Applications
CGACentre de Gestion Agréé (French: Chartered Management Center)
CGAConnecticut General Assembly
CGACharitable Gift Annuity
CGACoast Guard Academy
CGAConcours Général Agricole (French: General Agricultural Competition; est. 1870)
CGACryptographically Generated Addresses (Name Space; IANA)
CGACoast Guard Approved (US Coast Guard)
CGACompact Genetic Algorithm (evolutionary computation)
CGAChromogranin A (glycoprotein; aka Secretory Protein-I)
CGACanadian Gas Association
CGAColour Graphics Adapter
CGACentricstor Grid Architecture
CGACryptographically Generated Address
CGAComputer Graphics Architecture
CGACenter for Geographic Analysis (Harvard University; Cambridge, MA)
CGAColor Graphics Adaptor (software)
CGAComprehensive Geriatric Assessment
CGACaixa Geral de Aposentações (Portuguese civil servant pension fund)
CGACommon Grant Application (various organizations)
CGACasual Games Association
CGACalifornia Grocers Association
CGACylinder Gas Audit (various locations)
CGACitrus Growers Association
CGACompagnie Générale d'Affacturage (French business financing company)
CGACertified General Appraiser (real estate; various locations)
CGAConditions Générales d'Abonnement (French: Terms of Subscription; various companies)
CGACornerstone Government Affairs (Washington, DC)
CGACentro de Gestión Aeroportuaria (Spanish: Airport Management Center)
CGAContract and Grant Administration (Michigan State University)
CGAColumn Grid Array
CGAContrôle Général des Armées (French: General Control of the Armed Forces)
CGACoordination des Groupes Anarchistes (French: Anarchist Group Coordination)
CGAConditions Générales d'Achat (French: Terms of Sale; various companies)
CGAColor Graphics Array (320 by 200 pixels, 4 colors; 1.60:1 or 640 by 200 pixels, 2 colors; 3.20:1)
CGAChinese Gymnastics Association
CGACommittee on Government Assurances (India)
CGAClinical Gait Analysis
CGACorn Growers Association
CGACentro de Gestión Avanzado (Spanish)
CGACraig, AK, USA (Airport Code)
CGACercle Généalogique d'Alsace (French: Alsace Genealogy Circle; Alsace, France; est. 1967)
CGACarrier Group Alarm
CGAClerkenwell Green Association (London)
CGAConjugate Gradient Algorithm
CGACulver Girls Academy
CGACran-Gevrier Animation (French education association)
CGACancer Genome Atlas
CGACertified Governmental Accountant
CGACertified Graphoanalyst
CGACumulative Grade Average
CGAContact Guard Assist
CGACanadian Gelbvieh Association (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
CGACongo Global Action (Washington, DC)
CGACoût Global Actualisé (French: Total Escalated Cost)
CGAConfederation of St. Gabriel's (Thailand)
CGAChorionic Gonadotropin, Alpha Chain
CGAClassic Gaming Archive
CGAChristian Golfers Association
CGAChubu Golf Association (Japan)
CGACurrency Grading and Authentication (currency collecing)
CGAClimbing Gym Association
CGACertified Gamers Alliance (cross platform gaming community)
CGAConventional Genetic Algorithm
CGAConstrained Genetic Algorithm
CGACriminals & Gangmembers Anonymous
CGAControlled Gain Amplifier
CGACzech Gas Association (formerly Czech Gas and Oil Association)
CGAConfigurable Gate Array
CGAConcord Grape Association
CGACredit Guarantee Assurance
CGACentral of Georgia Railway Company
CGACornhole Game Association
CGACongressional Golfers Association
CGAConditional Gaussian Approximation
CGAComputer Graphics Architect
CGACaractérisation et Gestion de l'Atmosphère (French: Characterization and Management of the Atmosphere; degree program; University of Lyon; Lyon, France)
CGACompressed Air Association
CGAChase-GMD (Generalized Minimum Distance) Algorithm (Generalized Minimum Distance)
CGACorporate Governance Authority
CGACommon Ground Architecture
CGAChiba City Greenery Association (Japan)
CGACalvin, Giordano and Associates, Inc (Fort Lauderdale, FL)




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