Doroshevich, Vlas

Doroshevich, Vlas Mikhailovich


Born Apr. 5 (17), 1864, in Moscow; died Feb. 22, 1922, in Petrograd. Russian journalist, publicist, and theater critic.

Doroshevich began publishing his work in the 1890’s. From 1902 to 1918 he edited the newspaper Russkoe slovo,which was published by I. D. Sytin. He was a master of pungent, popular satirical articles that exposed tsarist ministers, judicial arbitrariness, and provincial morals. He wrote realistic sketches about penal servitude on Sakhalin Island (separate edition, 1903), theatrical reviews, and sketches about artists, such as F. I. Shaliapin and P. A. Strepetova.


Sobr. soch., vols. 1-9. Moscow [1905-07].
Staraia teatralnaia Moskva. Foreword by A. R. Kugel’. Petrograd-Moscow, 1923.
Izbr. rasskazy iocherki. Afterword by S. V. Ivanov. Moscow, 1962.


Teplinskii, M. “Vlas Doroshevich—avtor knigi ’Sakhalin.’ “In Sakhalin: Literaturno-khudozhestvennyi sb. Luzhno-Sakhalinsk, 1962. (Contains excerpts of memoirs on Doroshevich and articles about him by M. Kol’tsov and others.)
Istoriia russkoi literatury kontsa XlX-nachala XX vv.: Bibliograficheskii ukazatel’. Moscow-Leningrad, 1963.