

单词 cfs



abbr. chronic fatigue syndrome


abbr. cubic feet per second


abbreviation for (Pathology) chronic fatigue syndrome


cubic feet per second.


chronic fatigue syndrome.



(mechanics) cusec



Abbreviation for chronic fatigue syndrome.


abbr. chronic fatigue syndrome


Abbreviation for:
cancer family syndrome
cancer fatigue scale
cell-free supernatant
Children and Family Services
chronic fatigue syndrome (Medspeak-UK)
community family services
complex febrile seizure
congenital fibrosarcoma craniofacial skeleton
culture fluid supernatant
Cystic Fibrosis Society


Chronic fatigue syndrome, see there.

Patient discussion about CFS

Q. I think i might have chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. how can i tell the difference? So far, the doctors have not been able to diagnose anything and have basically been putting me on random medications just to relieve the symptoms. Symptoms I have:Fatigue (sleeping thirteen hours +) exhaustionpain in my knees, ankles, and weirdly my elbows. Headaches, congestion. I’ve been really nauseous occasionally and ended up having to go to the ER because of it.A. Here is a site that might help you. You can type in the symptoms one at a time and it’ll give you optional illnesses that correlates with the symptoms:

Q. What can cause chronic fatigue? For the last few weeks I’ve been having this strange fatigue, I sleep 12-14 hours at night (I used to sleep 6-7 hours), and I’m tired all day long. It really bothers me. What can is be? A. Wow, there are so many…to give you a taste- here is a list. I guess some of them you can rule out pretty easily through checking your habits and other symptoms (if you have any):

Q. How do you know when your tiredness is a chronic health symptom? Sometimes I'm just overwhelmingly tired and need to lay down for awhile. Then I feel better but then I haven't accomplished a lot. At least after I rest I am able to do things again. What is Chronic Fatigue all about?A. Wow! Good question!
I tell you what- here is a very good site I use all the time. You enter a symptom and it gives you all the illnesses that have the symptom. Then you enter another symptom you have and it narrows the list.
I already entered fatigue for you:
and here is a site about chronic fatigue syndrome that you can look for differences:

More discussions about CFS


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CFSChristian Faith School (Washington)
CFSCounseling for Faculty and Staff (Appalachian State University; North Carolina)
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