

单词 cfr
释义 DictionarySeecode



(Code of Federal Regulations) See healthcare IT.


Abbr. for Code of Federal Regulations.



Abbreviation for:
capillary filtration rate
Capital Financing Reserve (Medspeak-UK)
case-fatality ratio
certified first responder
chronic renal failure
citrovorum factor rescue
complement-fixation reaction
coronary flow reserve
craniofacial resection
crude fatality rate
cyclic flow reduction


1. Case-fatality ratio.2. Catastrophic failure rate.3. Code of Federal Regulations.4. Constant flow rate.


(kod) [Fr. code, fr L. codex, book] 1. A collection of rules and regulations or specifications.2. A set of symbols that communicate information or conceal it from people not familiar with the true meaning of the symbols.3. A form of message used in transmitting information in a hospital, esp. when the information is broadcast over a public address system (e.g., “code blue” or “code 9” could indicate a particular type of emergency to an emergency care team). See: table; code cart; code drug4. A system of symbols that represents information contained in a computer data bank.

bar code

A parallel array of alternately spaced black bars and white spaces representing a coded number, numbers, or letters, depending on the format employed. It is used clinically for patient sample identification as well as analyzer and operator ID.

binary code

See: Binary system

civil code

Comprehensive written organization of general rules and regulations authorized by the legislature, based on Roman, Spanish, and French civil law. In the U.S., the judicial system that presides over health care issues and lawsuits is governed by the civil code in Louisiana only and by common law in other states.

code of ethics

A summary (sometimes in written form) of a profession's values and standards of conduct.

code of federal regulations

Abbreviation: CFR
The list of U.S. government regulations that specify the way certain activities or practices must be carried out and will be enforced. For example, CFR Title 21 recount the rules and regulations that govern the manufacture, handling, and storage of food and drugs; CFR Title 49, Section 105, the general procedures for the transportation of hazardous materials.

genetic code

The sequence of bases in the DNA of living cells that provides the instructions for the synthesis of polypeptides (proteins) from amino acids. These instructions are contained in 64 nucleotide triplet sequences, called codons, 61 of which specify the 20 amino acids present in proteins and 3 of which halt the addition of amino acids to a polypeptide being synthesized. These three triplets are called termination codons. The genetic code is the same in all living things, except that in some viruses and fungi, it is contained in RNA rather than DNA.

pacemaker code

A code of three to five letters to describe pacemaker type and function. The first letter indicates the chamber(s) paced: V for ventricle pacing, A for atrial pacing, and D for dual chamber (i.e., both atrial and ventricular) pacing. The second letter indicates the chamber from which electrical activity is sensed (i.e., A for atrium, V for ventricle, or D for dual sensing). Other notations indicate the response to a sensed electrical signal: none, inhibition, triggering of pacing, and dual response that may inhibit or trigger pacing in the atrium, ventricle, or both.

pacing code

A code of three to five letters used for describing pacemaker type and function. The first letter indicates the chamber or chambers paced: V for ventricle, A for atrium, or D for dual, i.e., for pacing of both chambers. The second letter, which may also be V, A, or D, indicates the chamber from which electrical activity is sensed. The third letter indicates the response to the sensed electrical activity: O indicates no response to the electrical activity sensed; I, inhibition of the pacing action; T, triggering of the pacemaker function; and D, that a dual response of spontaneous atrial and ventricular activity will inhibit atrial and ventricular pacing. The fourth letter, previously used to describe programmable functions, is now used to designate variability of the pace rate with metabolic need. A fifth letter may indicate antitachycardia-pacing capability, but this is more usually incorporated into automatic implantable defibrillators. See: pacemaker; artificial cardiac pacemaker

slow code

A colloquial term for the use of advanced cardiac life support with little if any intent to restore cardiopulmonary or neurological function. In some instances, slow resuscitative efforts are made when professional staff and moribund patients differ with respect to their interpretation of the appropriateness of end of life care. The practice, at best, rests on dubious moral and legal grounds. An alternate term, the “Hollywood Code, ” implies that the rescue attempt is made as a pretense.

triplet code

In DNA or mRNA, the sequence of three nucleotides that is the code for a particular amino acid. The triplet sequence controls the amino acid sequence during protein synthesis.
Type of EmergencyCommonly Used Hospital Paging TerminologiesServices Needed
Adult needing life supportCode Blue; Code 99Advanced cardiac life support
Bioterrorism alertCode ZebraTreat as Mass Casualty Incident; notify Department of Homeland Security and State Health Department
Bomb threatCode Black; Code Yellow; Code 10Evacuation of building; security staff; local police and fire departments
Doctor needed urgentlyCode GreenPresence of available medical staff — often, Emergency Department or Intensive Care Unit physicians
Fire in the facilityCode RedAvailable maintenance and security staff; fire extinguishers
Infant abductionCode Stork (Sometimes called Code Pink, but see below)Blockade of all entries to and exits from the hospital
Infant requiring life supportCode PinkPractitioners trained in neonatal or pediatric life support
Multiple Casualty IncidentCode Triage; Code AmberAll available personnel to assist in triaging and treating the sick and wounded; hospital-wide emergency strategies implemented.
Potentially violent person on premisesCode Strong; Doctor Strong; Code Grey; Code Silver; Code NorthShow of force by security personnel and others; hospital supervisor

code of federal regulations

Abbreviation: CFR
The list of U.S. government regulations that specify the way certain activities or practices must be carried out and will be enforced. For example, CFR Title 21 recount the rules and regulations that govern the manufacture, handling, and storage of food and drugs; CFR Title 49, Section 105, the general procedures for the transportation of hazardous materials. See also: code



See: Cost and Freight


A CPT involving ocean freight. In a CFR, the seller is responsible for paying for shipping, while the buyer is responsible for transportation risk as soon as the good or product is loaded onto the ship. Legally, risk transfers when the good or product crosses the outer rail of the ship.


CFRCode of Federal Regulations
CFRCost and Freight (shipping)
CFRCouncil on Foreign Relations
CFRCenter for Resolution (various locations)
CFRCase Fatality Rate
CFRCorporate Family Rating (investment)
CFRCharter of Fundamental Rights (EU)
CFRCenter for Research (various locations)
CFRCampaign Finance Reform
CFRCoronary Flow Reserve
CFRCommon Frame of Reference
CFRCustomer Flight Recorder (Ford)
CFRCompagnie Financière Richemont (French finance company)
CFRCentre for Retail (India)
CFRConcrete Form Release
CFRCentral Florida Region (Sports Car Club of America)
CFRCompact Fusion Reactor
CFRCost and Freight
CFRComputerized Facial Recognition
CFRCompact Flash Reader
CFRConstant Frame Rate
CFRCentralized Flexible Rating
CFRCooling Fan Relay (various companies)
CFRCorporate & Foundation Relations (various schools)
CFRCorporate Finance Research
CFRCarbon Fiber Reinforced
CFRCertified First Responder
CFRCommunity First Responder
CFRCrest Factor Reduction (algorithm)
CFRCase Fill Rate (supply chain management)
CFRCaile Ferate Romane (Romanian Railways)
CFRConfédération Française des Retraités (French: French Confederation of Pensioners)
CFRCrash Fire and Rescue (USMC)
CFRCenter for Family Resources
CFRConfiguration Register
CFRCountry Framework Report (various organizations)
CFRChannel Frequency Response (communication technology)
CFRCondition Found Report (various organizations)
CFRCooperative Fuel Research
CFRCall for Release (FAA)
CFRClosed File Review (insurance)
CFRConstant Failure Rate
CFRCubic Foot per Revolution (measurement)
CFRConfirmation to Receive
CFRCarbon Film Resistor
CFRCenter for Rusmiddelforskning (Norwegian: Center for Alcohol and Drug)
CFRCandy Fund Raiser (disc golf)
CFRCentral Forest Reserve
CFRCoordinating Fuel and Equipment Research Committee (Coordinating Research Council, Inc.)
CFRCustom Flat Ride (Atari)
CFRCanadian Forces Registration
CFRChicken Fried Rice
CFRCommunity and Family Resources
CFRConsolidated Fiscal Report
CFRCentre de Formation Régional (French: Regional Training Center; various locations)
CFRCenter for Feminist Research (various locations)
CFRCaen, France - Carpiquet (Airport Code)
CFRCommissioning from the Ranks (Canadian military)
CFRClaims Fluctuation Reserve (insurance industry)
CFRComprehensive Facility Review
CFRCommercial Fast Reactor
CFRCatastrophic Failure Rate
CFRCritical Functional Response
CFRCumulative Failure Rate
CFRCollège Français de Reus (French: French College of Reus; Reus, Spain)
CFRContact Flight Rules
CFRCarton Flow Rack (material handling)
CFRCondensate Filter Demineralizer
CFRContractor Flight Release
CFRContractor Funds Report
CFRCustomer Field Representative
CFRFranciscan Friars of the Renewal, Fr. Groeschel (religious order)
CFRCentre Fédéral de Ressources (French: Federal Resource Center)
CFRCourse Frequency Receiver
CFRCommission Foncière Rurale (French)
CFRCase Form Report
CFRColdwater Fishery Resource
CFRCarry Forward Form
CFRCartridge Fuse Rating
CFRCustomer Failure Report
CFRCan't Find the Road (undefined radio program format)
CFRComputer Facial Recognition
CFRChemical Functional Review
CFRCylinder Firing Rate
CFRConceptual Feasibility Report
CFRCumulative Financial Requirements
CFRConception Fabrication Robotique (French: Manufacturing Robotics Design; Canada)
CFRControl Filter Rate
CFRCategory for Renaming (Wikimedia Foundation)
CFRCommander Federal Republic
CFRCleaning Force Ratio




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