

单词 buy



purchase: buy a car; to acquire by exchange or concession; to bribe: to buy votes; to accept or believe: I don’t buy that story.
Not to be confused with:by – next to; close to; a house by the sea; through the authority of: a study by the EPA; according to: a lousy movie by anyone’s standards; no later than: I’m usually home by late afternoon.bye – secondary matter; side issue; short for good-bye; incidentally: By the bye, how was the dinner?


B0590450 (bī)v. bought (bôt), buy·ing, buys v.tr.1. To acquire in exchange for money or its equivalent; purchase. See Note at boughten.2. To be capable of purchasing: "Certainly there are lots of things in life that money won't buy" (Ogden Nash).3. To acquire by sacrifice, exchange, or trade: wanted to buy love with gifts.4. To bribe: tried to buy a judge.5. Informal To accept the truth or feasibility of: The officer didn't buy my lame excuse for speeding.v.intr. To purchase something; act as a purchaser.n.1. Something bought or for sale; a purchase.2. An act of purchasing: a drug buy.3. Something that is underpriced; a bargain.Phrasal Verbs: buy down To pay an upfront fee to reduce (an interest rate) over part or all of the term of a loan. buy into1. To acquire a stake or interest in: bought into a risky real estate venture.2. Informal To believe in, especially wholeheartedly or uncritically: couldn't buy into that brand of conservatism. buy off To bribe (an official, for example) in order to secure improper cooperation or gain exemption from a regulation or legal consequence. buy out To purchase the entire stock, business rights, or interests of. buy up To purchase all that is available of.Idioms: buy it Slang To be killed. buy the farm Slang To die, especially suddenly or violently. buy time To increase the time available for a specific purpose: "A moderate recovery thus buys time for Congress and the Administration to whittle the deficit" (G. David Wallace).
[Middle English bien, beyen, from Old English bycgan, byg-; akin to Gothic bugjan, from Germanic *bugjanan, of unknown origin.]
buy′a·ble adj.


(baɪ) vb (mainly tr) , buys, buying or bought1. (Commerce) to acquire by paying or promising to pay a sum of money or the equivalent; purchase2. to be capable of purchasing: money can't buy love. 3. to acquire by any exchange or sacrifice: to buy time by equivocation. 4. (Commerce) (intr) to act as a buyer5. to bribe or corrupt; hire by or as by bribery6. slang to accept as true, practical, etc7. (Stock Exchange) (foll by: into) to purchase shares of (a company): we bought into General Motors. 8. (Theology) (tr) theol (esp of Christ) to ransom or redeem (a Christian or the soul of a Christian)9. have bought it slang to be killedna purchase (often in the phrases good or bad buy)[Old English bycgan; related to Old Norse byggja to let out, lend, Gothic bugjan to buy]Usage: The use of off after buy as in I bought this off my neighbour was formerly considered incorrect, but is now acceptable in informal contexts



v. bought, buy•ing,
n. v.t. 1. to acquire the possession of, esp. by paying an equivalent in money; purchase. 2. to acquire by exchange or concession: to buy favor with flattery. 3. to hire or obtain the services of. 4. to bribe. 5. to be the purchasing equivalent of: A dollar doesn't buy much these days. 6. Theol. to redeem; ransom. 7. Informal. to accept or believe: I don't buy that explanation. v.i. 8. to be or become a purchaser. 9. buy into, to purchase a share, interest, or membership in. 10. buy off, to get rid of (a claim, opposition, etc.) by payment; bribe. 11. buy out, to purchase all the business shares belonging to (another). 12. buy up, to buy as much of (something) as is available. n. 13. an act or instance of buying. 14. something bought; a purchase. 15. a bargain: The couch was a real buy. Idioms: buy it, Slang. to get killed. [before 1000; Middle English byen, variant of byggen, buggen, Old English bycgan]


When you buy something, you get it by paying money for it. The past tense and -ed participle of buy is bought.

I'm going to buy everything that I need today.He bought a first-class ticket.

If you pay for a drink for someone else, you say that you buy them a drink.

Let me buy you a drink.

Be Careful!
Don't say 'Let me pay you a drink'.


Past participle: bought
Gerund: buying
I buy
you buy
he/she/it buys
we buy
you buy
they buy
I bought
you bought
he/she/it bought
we bought
you bought
they bought
Present Continuous
I am buying
you are buying
he/she/it is buying
we are buying
you are buying
they are buying
Present Perfect
I have bought
you have bought
he/she/it has bought
we have bought
you have bought
they have bought
Past Continuous
I was buying
you were buying
he/she/it was buying
we were buying
you were buying
they were buying
Past Perfect
I had bought
you had bought
he/she/it had bought
we had bought
you had bought
they had bought
I will buy
you will buy
he/she/it will buy
we will buy
you will buy
they will buy
Future Perfect
I will have bought
you will have bought
he/she/it will have bought
we will have bought
you will have bought
they will have bought
Future Continuous
I will be buying
you will be buying
he/she/it will be buying
we will be buying
you will be buying
they will be buying
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been buying
you have been buying
he/she/it has been buying
we have been buying
you have been buying
they have been buying
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been buying
you will have been buying
he/she/it will have been buying
we will have been buying
you will have been buying
they will have been buying
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been buying
you had been buying
he/she/it had been buying
we had been buying
you had been buying
they had been buying
I would buy
you would buy
he/she/it would buy
we would buy
you would buy
they would buy
Past Conditional
I would have bought
you would have bought
he/she/it would have bought
we would have bought
you would have bought
they would have bought
Noun1.buy - an advantageous purchasebuy - an advantageous purchase; "she got a bargain at the auction"; "the stock was a real buy at that price"steal, bargainpurchase - something acquired by purchasesong - a very small sum; "he bought it for a song"travel bargain - a bargain rate for travellers on commercial routes (usually air routes)
Verb1.buy - obtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction; "The family purchased a new car"; "The conglomerate acquired a new company"; "She buys for the big department store"purchasecommerce, commercialism, mercantilism - transactions (sales and purchases) having the objective of supplying commodities (goods and services)buy back, repurchase - buy what had previously been sold, lost, or given away; "He bought back the house that his father sold years ago"take - buy, select; "I'll take a pound of that sausage"get - purchase; "What did you get at the toy store?"subscribe to, subscribe, take - receive or obtain regularly; "We take the Times every day"acquire, get - come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; "She got a lot of paintings from her uncle"; "They acquired a new pet"; "Get your results the next day"; "Get permission to take a few days off from work"buy out, buy up, take over - take over ownership of; of corporations and companiespick up - buy casually or spontaneously; "I picked up some food for a snack"buy food, take out - purchase prepared food to be eaten at homeimpulse-buy - buy on impulse without proper reflectionbuy - be worth or be capable of buying; "This sum will buy you a ride on the train"buy out, buy up, take over - take over ownership of; of corporations and companiesbuy in, stock up, stock - amass so as to keep for future use or sale or for a particular occasion or use; "let's stock coffee as long as prices are low"sell - exchange or deliver for money or its equivalent; "He sold his house in January"; "She sells her body to survive and support her drug habit"
2.buy - make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence; "This judge can be bought"bribe, grease one's palms, corruptcrime, criminal offence, criminal offense, law-breaking, offense, offence - (criminal law) an act punishable by law; usually considered an evil act; "a long record of crimes"pay - give money, usually in exchange for goods or services; "I paid four dollars for this sandwich"; "Pay the waitress, please"sop - give a conciliatory gift or bribe tobuy off, pay off - pay someone with influence in order to receive a favor
3.buy - be worth or be capable of buying; "This sum will buy you a ride on the train"buy, purchase - obtain by purchase; acquire by means of a financial transaction; "The family purchased a new car"; "The conglomerate acquired a new company"; "She buys for the big department store"be - have the quality of being; (copula, used with an adjective or a predicate noun); "John is rich"; "This is not a good answer"
4.buy - acquire by trade or sacrifice or exchange; "She wanted to buy his love with her dedication to him and his work"acquire, get - come into the possession of something concrete or abstract; "She got a lot of paintings from her uncle"; "They acquired a new pet"; "Get your results the next day"; "Get permission to take a few days off from work"
5.buy - accept as true; "I can't buy this story"believe - accept as true; take to be true; "I believed his report"; "We didn't believe his stories from the War"; "She believes in spirits"


verb1. purchase, get, score (slang), secure, pay for, obtain, acquire, invest in, shop for, procure He could not afford to buy a house.
purchase sell, retail, auction, barter, vend
2. accept, believe, trust, credit, rely on, swallow (informal), have faith in, be persuaded of, place confidence in, presume true, take as gospel, take on I'm not buying any of that nonsense.
noun1. purchase, deal, bargain, acquisition, steal (informal), snip (informal), giveaway a good buybuy someone off bribe, square, fix (informal), pay off (informal), lure, corrupt, get at, suborn, grease someone's palm (slang), influence by gifts, oil the palm of (informal) policies designed to buy off the working-class


verb1. To acquire in exchange for money or something of equal value:purchase.2. To give, offer, or promise a bribe to.Also used with off:bribe.Informal: pay off.Idiom: grease someone's palm.3. Slang. To regard (something) as true or real:accept, believe.Slang: swallow.noun1. Something bought or capable of being bought:purchase.2. Informal. Something offered or bought at a low price:bargain.Informal: deal.Slang: steal.


(bai) present participle ˈbuying: past tense, past participle bought (boːt) verb to get (something) by exchanging it for money. He has bought a car.


  • Where is the nearest place to buy photographic equipment? (US)
    Where is the nearest shop which sells photographic equipment? (UK) → 附近哪儿有摄影器材店?
  • Where is the nearest place to buy stamps? (US)
    Where is the nearest shop which sells stamps? (UK) → 附近哪儿能买到邮票?
  • Where is the nearest place to buy newspapers? (US)
    Where is the nearest shop which sells newspapers? (UK) → 附近哪儿有售报亭?
  • Where can I buy a bus card? → 哪儿能买到公共汽车卡?
  • Where do I buy a ticket? → 在哪儿买票?
  • Where can I buy gifts? → 哪儿能买到礼品?
  • Where can I buy a map of the area? → 哪儿能买到本地地图?
  • Where can I buy a map of the city? → 哪儿能买到市区地图?
  • Where can I buy a map of the region? → 哪儿能买到本地区的地图?
  • Where can I buy a map of the country? → 哪儿能买到全国地图?
  • Where can I buy a newspaper? → 哪儿能买到报纸?
  • Where can I buy a magazine? → 哪儿能买到杂志?
  • Where can I buy some postcards? → 哪儿能买到明信片?
  • Where can I buy stamps? → 哪儿能买到邮票?
  • Can I buy the tickets here? → 可以在这儿买票吗?
  • Where can I buy tickets for the concert? → 哪儿能买到音乐会入场券?
  • Where can I buy tickets for the ballet? → 在哪儿买芭蕾舞入场券?
  • Where can I buy a ski pass? → 哪儿能买滑雪票?
  • Where can I buy a phone card? (US)
    Where can I buy a phonecard? (UK) → 哪儿能买到电话卡?
  • Where can I buy a top-up card? → 哪儿能买到充值卡?


buy something (from someone) (for something)

to purchase something from someone at a particular price, or for a particular type of payment, such as for cash, for practically nothing, etc. I bought the car from Mark for a reasonable price. I bought it for a reasonable price from Mark.

buy something

Fig. to believe something someone says; to accept something to be a fact. It may be true, but I don't buy it. I just don't buy the idea that you can swim that far.


1. n. a purchase. Man, this is a great buy. 2. tv. to believe something. It sounds good to me, but will your wife buy it?
  • (Can I) buy you a drink?
  • best buy
  • bought
  • buy
  • buy (one's) way in(to) (something)
  • buy (one's) way out (of something)
  • buy (something) back (from someone)
  • buy (something) off the shelf
  • buy (something) on credit
  • buy (something) on tick
  • buy (something) on time
  • buy (something) sight unseen
  • buy (yourself) time
  • buy a pig in a poke
  • buy a pup
  • buy a round
  • buy a/(one's) wolf ticket
  • buy a/(one's) woof ticket
  • buy a/the round (of drinks)
  • buy at
  • buy back
  • buy cheap, buy twice
  • buy in
  • buy into
  • buy into (something)
  • buy into, to
  • buy it
  • buy low, sell high
  • buy off
  • buy on credit
  • buy on time
  • buy out
  • buy sight unseen
  • buy someone’s woof ticket
  • buy something
  • buy straw hats in winter
  • buy the big one
  • buy the box
  • buy the farm
  • buy the rabbit
  • buy time
  • buy to let
  • buy trouble
  • buy up
  • buy way in
  • buy way out
  • buy wolf ticket
  • buy wolf tickets
  • buy you a drink?
  • buy, get, etc. something off the shelf
  • do over
  • for a song
  • for a song, to go/to buy/to sell
  • get (something) off the shelf
  • get (something) on tick
  • get, buy, etc. something on tick
  • money can't buy happiness
  • not buy
  • not buy (something)
  • pig in a poke, to buy a
  • sell (one) a pup
  • sell somebody/buy a pup
  • to go
  • Why buy a cow when you can get milk for free?


TO BUY. To purchase. Vide Sale.



To purchase an asset; taking a long position.


To take ownership of some asset in exchange for some monetary remuneration. Buying may take any of several forms. In a cash purchase, the buyer gives cash or a cash equivalent immediately in exchange for the asset. In a credit sale, the buyer takes ownership immediately in exchange for future payment, often with interest. An example of buying is a simple transaction involving widgets. If the buyer is willing to pay $2 per widget and the seller wishes to sell 100 widgets, then the seller gives to the buyer 100 widgets and, in their place, receives $200. See also: Sale.


A bargain-priced asset. For example, an analyst may feel that a particular firm owns valuable assets overlooked or undervalued by the financial community. In such an instance, the firm's stock is considered a buy.


To purchase a security or other asset. Compare sell.




the decision by a firm on whether to make a component or product itself or to buy it from an external supplier (see OUTSOURCING). The decision will depend upon the combined production costs and TRANSACTION COSTS of the alternatives. Sometimes a firm may adopt mixes of the two policies, producing some quantity of the product itself and buying the remainder, depending upon the relative costs of the sources and security of supply considerations. See TRANSACTION for a more detailed discussion. See INTERNALIZATION, VERTICAL INTEGRATION.


BUYBloomington United for Youth (Bloomington, MN)


  • all
  • verb
  • noun
  • phrase

Synonyms for buy

verb purchase


  • purchase
  • get
  • score
  • secure
  • pay for
  • obtain
  • acquire
  • invest in
  • shop for
  • procure


  • sell
  • retail
  • auction
  • barter
  • vend

verb accept


  • accept
  • believe
  • trust
  • credit
  • rely on
  • swallow
  • have faith in
  • be persuaded of
  • place confidence in
  • presume true
  • take as gospel
  • take on

noun purchase


  • purchase
  • deal
  • bargain
  • acquisition
  • steal
  • snip
  • giveaway

phrase buy someone off


  • bribe
  • square
  • fix
  • pay off
  • lure
  • corrupt
  • get at
  • suborn
  • grease someone's palm
  • influence by gifts
  • oil the palm of

Synonyms for buy

verb to acquire in exchange for money or something of equal value


  • purchase

verb to give, offer, or promise a bribe to


  • bribe
  • pay off

verb to regard (something) as true or real


  • accept
  • believe
  • swallow

noun something bought or capable of being bought


  • purchase

noun something offered or bought at a low price


  • bargain
  • deal
  • steal

Synonyms for buy

noun an advantageous purchase


  • steal
  • bargain

Related Words

  • purchase
  • song
  • travel bargain

verb obtain by purchase


  • purchase

Related Words

  • commerce
  • commercialism
  • mercantilism
  • buy back
  • repurchase
  • take
  • get
  • subscribe to
  • subscribe
  • acquire
  • buy out
  • buy up
  • take over
  • pick up
  • buy food
  • take out
  • impulse-buy
  • buy
  • buy in
  • stock up
  • stock


  • sell

verb make illegal payments to in exchange for favors or influence


  • bribe
  • grease one's palms
  • corrupt

Related Words

  • crime
  • criminal offence
  • criminal offense
  • law-breaking
  • offense
  • offence
  • pay
  • sop
  • buy off
  • pay off

verb be worth or be capable of buying

Related Words

  • buy
  • purchase
  • be

verb acquire by trade or sacrifice or exchange

Related Words

  • acquire
  • get

verb accept as true

Related Words

  • believe




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