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exanthem subitum Translationsexanthem subitum
exanthem subitum[eg′zan·thəm ′sü·bəd·əm] (medicine) A mild, sometimes epidemic viral disease of young children, with abrupt onset, high fever, and rash. Also known as roseola infantum. exanthem subitum
exanthem [eg-zan´them] 1. a skin eruption or rash.2. a disease in which skin eruptions or rashes are a prominent manifestation.exanthem su´bitum roseola infantum.exanthem, exanthema (eks-an'them) (ek?san?the'ma) plural.exanthemasplural.-mataplural.exanthems [Gr. exanthema, eruption] Any eruption or rash that appears on the skin, as opposed to one that appears on the mucous membranes (enanthem). The term is often used to describe childhood or infectious rashes (e.g., measles or scarlet fever) but it also applies to other rashes. exanthematous (-an-them'a-tus), adjectiveexanthem subitumSixth disease.Patient discussion about exanthem subitumQ. roseola high feverA. roseola; any rose colored eruption of the skin--roseola is a viral infection of young children producing a fever which last three or four days after which temperatures drops to normal,a skin rash appears and the child becomes better---treated with meds that lower fever and stops the rash. More discussions about exanthem subitumThesaurusSeeroseola |