biologic response modifier


 [mod´ĭ-fi-er] 1. an agent or method that causes something else to change.2. problem modifier.biologic response modifier (BRM) (biological response modifier) a method or agent, such as a cytokine, monoclonal antibody, or vaccine, that alters host-tumor interaction. This is usually accomplished by amplifying the antitumor mechanisms of the immune system, but it also may be effected by mechanisms that affect host or tumor cell characteristics, either directly or indirectly. Called also biomodulator.problem modifier on level three of the problem classification scheme of the omaha system, either of the two sets of terms used in conjunction with client problems, allowing the nurse to identify ownership of the problem and its degree of severity in relation to client interest, risk factors, and signs or symptoms.

biologic response modifier

agent that modifies host responses to neoplasms by enhancing immune systems or reconstituting impaired immune mechanisms. Synonym(s): immunomodulator

bi·o·log·ic res·ponse mod·i·fi·er

(bī'ŏ-loj'ik rĕ-spons' mod'i-fī-ĕr) Agent that modifies host responses to neoplasms by enhancing immune systems or reconstituting impaired immune mechanisms.