

单词 cfp



(1)Constraint Functional Programming.


(2)Communicating Functional Processes.


(3)Call For Papers (for a conference).


Certified Financial Planner (CFP)

A person who has passed examinations accredited by the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards, showing that the person is able to manage a client's banking, estate, insurance, investment, and tax affairs.

Certified Financial Planner

A professional certificate offered through the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards. The certification qualifies one to consult on financial matters. In order to qualify for a CFP, one must complete a series of tests measuring knowledge of retirement issues, estate planning, tax, and financial planning. One must also remain current on continuing education requirements. CFPs often advice clients on how best to manage their money. See also: ChFC.


See certified financial planner.


CFPCertified Financial Planner
CFPCall For Papers
CFPComputers, Freedom and Privacy
CFPCOSMIC (Common Software Measurement Group International Consortium) Function Point
CFPCall for Proposals
CFPCommon Fisheries Policy
CFPComprehensive Financial Planning
CFPConference for Food Protection
CFPCanada Free Press (newspaper)
CFPCertificate in Financial Planning (various schools)
CFPCoalition for Peace
CFPCanadian Family Physician (magazine)
CFPCall for Presentations (conference; various organizations)
CFPCrowdfunding Platform
CFPConselho Federal de Psicologia (Brazil)
CFPCommission de la Fonction Publique du Canada (Public Service Commission of Canada)
CFPCall for Proposal
CFPConnector for Front Panel
CFPCpu Intensive Floating Point
CFPCarbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic
CFPComplete Fax Portable
CFPContention Free Period
CFPCompact Field Point
CFPCeramic Flat Package
CFPCorporate Finance Partners (Germany)
CFPCollege Football Poll
CFPCombatants for Peace
CFPCentre for Publishing (UK)
CFPCongé de Formation Professionnelle (French: Vocational Training Leave)
CFPCapital Facilities Plan
CFPColumbia Forest Products
CFPCommunity Food Projects (USDA)
CFPCoastal Fisheries Programme (Secretariat of the Pacific Community)
CFPComptoirs Français du Pacifique (French Pacific Islands currency)
CFPConcealed Firearm Permit
CFPCystic Fibrosis Patient
CFPCertificat de Formation Professionnelle (French: Vocational Training Certificate)
CFPCasey Family Programs (Seattle, Washington)
CFPCertificat de Français Professionnel (French language certification)
CFPCongressional Fellowship Program (various organizations)
CFPChild and Family Plan (various organizations)
CFPConsolidated Fire Protection (Irvine, CA)
CFPConcentración de Fuerzas Populares (Concentration of Popular Forces, Ecuador)
CFPCentral Focal Point (elections)
CFPCentre de Formation Permanente (French: Center for Continuing Education)
CFPCarbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic
CFPCochran Fellowship Program (USDA)
CFPCooperative Feeding Program
CFPColonies Françaises du Pacifique (French Pacifc Islands coin)
CFPCertified Fence Professional
CFPCentral Florida Presbytery (Orlando, FL)
CFPCo-Financing Programme (various organizations)
CFPCyan Fluorescence Protein (microscopy)
CFPCommunity Fire Plan (various locations)
CFPCommunications Focal Point
CFPCentre de Formation de la Plasturgie (French: Plastics Industry Training Center)
CFPCoatings for Plastics (symposium)
CFPComputer Flight Plan
CFPCompagnie Française du Panneau (French lumber company)
CFPCanadian Centre for Foreign Policy Development
CFPCareer Focus Program (US Air Force)
CFPCold Front Passage
CFPCenter-Fire Pistol (firearms)
CFPChill Factor Performance (clothing)
CFPContingency Force Pool
CFPCertified Fitness Professional
CFPCentral Florida Partnership
CFPComplementary Feedback Pair
CFPContention-Free Periods (IEEE 802.11e)
CFPCombat Feeding Program (US DoD)
CFPCommunity Fellows Program
CFPConcepts Fondamentaux de la Physique (French: Fundamental Concepts of Physics; various schools)
CFPConceptual Flight Profile
CFPCenter for Pluralism (various locations)
CFPComputer Fax Protocol
CFPChildren's Forest Program (India)
CFPCanada Firearms Program
CFPContract Financing Program
CFPCanadian Family Pharmacy
CFPCarrier Frequency Pulse
CFPCommon Foundation Program (nursing education)
CFPCanadian Fleet Pacific
CFPClub Français de la Pékin (French chicken breeding club)
CFPCentrifuge Facility Project
CFPConcept Formulation Package/Plan/Process
CFPContractor-Furnished Property/Product
CFPContractor-Furnished Personnel
CFPCentenary of Federation Plaque (Australia)
CFPConcept Formulation Paper
CFPCounter-Flow Pipeline
CFPCar Finance Plan
CFPCorrugated Fibre Packaging (manufacturing)
CFPCypher Feedback
CFPClôtures Fermetures Production (French fence production company)
CFPCreation Facilities Program
CFPCentral Focal Protrusion
CFPCharged Fusion Product




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