Acronym | Definition |
FDCL➣Forschungs- und Dokumentationszentrum Chile-Lateinamerika eV(German: Chile-Latin America Research and Documentation) |
FDCL➣Fédération des Coopératives Laitières (French: Federation of Dairy Cooperatives) |
FDCL➣Full Decent Camera Life |
FDCL➣Flight Dynamics and Control Laboratory |
FDCL➣Forest Development Corporation Limited (Bhutan) |
FDCL➣Frequency-Dependent Cylinder Layer |
FDCL➣Fine Drugs and Chemicals Ltd. |
FDCL➣Fédération Départementale des Chasseurs des Landes (French: Departmental Federation of Hunters of Landes; Landes, France) |
FDCL➣Federal Direct Consolidation Loan |