Currant Bud Mite
Currant Bud Mite
(Eriophyes, or Cecidophyopsis, ribis), one of the most dangerous pests of black and red currants in Europe. The body, which is 0.2 to 0.22 mm long in females and 0.18 to 0.20 mm long in males, is wormlike with two lobular caudate plates and two long bristles on the end. The currant bud mite feeds on the tissues of young buds. Reproducing rapidly, the mites cause the formation of gall-like growths, the loosening and drying of the buds, or, more rarely, abnormal bolting in the form of a bundle of shoots. With severe infestation, the currant yield is greatly decreased. The currant bud mite is a carrier of the agent of viral doubleness of currants. Control measures include raising healthy seedlings by means of thermally disinfected grafts in special nurseries; annual examination, cleaning, treatment with acaricides, and selection of the best shrubs, for further reproduction; and selection of varieties that are most resistant to the mite.