Acronym | Definition |
FeMC➣Female Main Character |
FeMC➣Foundation for the Enhancement of Mitchell County (Iowa) |
FeMC➣Fédération des étudiants et des étudiantes en médecine du Canada |
FeMC➣Forward Electromagnetic Calorimeter |
FeMC➣Facilities Engineering Maintenance and Construction |
FeMC➣Fort Erie Multicultural Centre (Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada) |
FeMC➣Florida Engineering Management Corporation |
FeMC➣Food Equipment Manufacturing Corp (Cleveland, OH) |
FeMC➣Far East Mirage Corps |
FeMC➣Forward Electronics Manufacturing Company Ltd (Hong Kong) |
FeMC➣Fast Eddie Music Conspiracy (band) |
FeMC➣First Eastern Mirage Corps |
FeMC➣Foreign Exchange Market Committee (Tokyo, Japan) |
FeMC➣Flint Electric Membership Cooperative |
FeMC➣Field Emergency Medical Coordinator (Australia) |
FeMC➣Federal Equity Market Commission (Russia) |
FeMC➣Flint Electric Membership Corporation |
FeMC➣First Equity Management Corporation (Burr Ridge, IL) |
FeMC➣Federal Educational and Methodological Center (Russia) |
FeMC➣Facility Energy Management Committee |
FeMC➣Falcon Electro-Mechanical Contracting Company (Abu Dhabi) |
FeMC➣Fluoroethyl Methyl Carbonate |
FeMC➣First Eastern Mortgage Corporation |
FeMC➣Facilities Engineering Management Course (US Army) |
FeMC➣Further Education Management Consortium (UK) |
FeMC➣FINUPHY Electro Magnetic Calorimeter |
FeMC➣Feldmann Engineering & Mfg Co |
FeMC➣Facility Emergency Management Coordinator |
FeMC➣Fishery and Environment Monitoring Center |
FeMC➣Foreign Employment Management Committee |
FeMC➣Fire Emergency Management Centre (UK) |
FeMC➣Force Establishment and Manning Committee (Hong Kong) |
FeMC➣Federov Eye Microsurgery Centre |
FeMC➣Foreign Exchange Management Committee |
FeMC➣First Equitable Mortgage Company, Inc. |
FeMC➣Far Eastern Maritime Command (India) |
FeMC➣Far East Mining Corporation |
FeMC➣Finite Element Method Calculation |