FeMCFemale Main Character
FeMCFoundation for the Enhancement of Mitchell County (Iowa)
FeMCFédération des étudiants et des étudiantes en médecine du Canada
FeMCForward Electromagnetic Calorimeter
FeMCFacilities Engineering Maintenance and Construction
FeMCFort Erie Multicultural Centre (Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada)
FeMCFlorida Engineering Management Corporation
FeMCFood Equipment Manufacturing Corp (Cleveland, OH)
FeMCFar East Mirage Corps
FeMCForward Electronics Manufacturing Company Ltd (Hong Kong)
FeMCFast Eddie Music Conspiracy (band)
FeMCFirst Eastern Mirage Corps
FeMCForeign Exchange Market Committee (Tokyo, Japan)
FeMCFlint Electric Membership Cooperative
FeMCField Emergency Medical Coordinator (Australia)
FeMCFederal Equity Market Commission (Russia)
FeMCFlint Electric Membership Corporation
FeMCFirst Equity Management Corporation (Burr Ridge, IL)
FeMCFederal Educational and Methodological Center (Russia)
FeMCFacility Energy Management Committee
FeMCFalcon Electro-Mechanical Contracting Company (Abu Dhabi)
FeMCFluoroethyl Methyl Carbonate
FeMCFirst Eastern Mortgage Corporation
FeMCFacilities Engineering Management Course (US Army)
FeMCFurther Education Management Consortium (UK)
FeMCFINUPHY Electro Magnetic Calorimeter
FeMCFeldmann Engineering & Mfg Co
FeMCFacility Emergency Management Coordinator
FeMCFishery and Environment Monitoring Center
FeMCForeign Employment Management Committee
FeMCFire Emergency Management Centre (UK)
FeMCForce Establishment and Manning Committee (Hong Kong)
FeMCFederov Eye Microsurgery Centre
FeMCForeign Exchange Management Committee
FeMCFirst Equitable Mortgage Company, Inc.
FeMCFar Eastern Maritime Command (India)
FeMCFar East Mining Corporation
FeMCFinite Element Method Calculation