Doppler probe


Christian J., Austrian mathematician and physicist in U.S., 1803-1853. Doppler bidirectional testDoppler echocardiography - use of Doppler ultrasonography techniques to augment two-dimensional echocardiography by allowing velocities to be registered within the echocardiographic image. Synonym(s): duplex echocardiographyDoppler effect - a change in frequency is observed when the sound and observer are in relative motion away from or toward each other. Synonym(s): Doppler phenomenon; Doppler principleDoppler flow testDoppler measurementDoppler phenomenon - Synonym(s): Doppler effectDoppler principle - Synonym(s): Doppler effectDoppler probeDoppler pulse evaluationDoppler scopeDoppler shift - the magnitude of the frequency change in hertz when sound and observer are in relative motion away from or toward each other.Doppler ultrasonography - application of the Doppler effect in ultrasound to detect movement of scatterers (usually red blood cells) by the analysis of the change in frequency of the returning echoes.Doppler ultrasound flowmeterDoppler ultrasound segmental blood pressure testing