Curling ulcer

stress ul·cer

an ulcer of the duodenum in a patient with extensive superficial burns, intracranial lesions, or severe bodily injury. Synonym(s): Curling ulcer

stress ul·cer

(stres ŭl'sĕr) A lesion of the duodenum in a patient with extensive superficial burns, intracranial lesions, or severe bodily injury.
Synonym(s): Curling ulcer.

Curling ulcer

(kŭrl′ing) [Thomas B. Curling, Brit. physician, 1811–1888] A peptic ulcer that sometimes occurs following severe burns to the body; a form of stress ulcer.


Thomas B., English surgeon, 1811-1888. Curling ulcer - an ulcer of the duodenum in a patient with extensive superficial burns, intracranial lesions, or severe bodily injury. Synonym(s): stress ulcers