Acronym | Definition |
CFE➣Conventional Forces in Europe (treaty) |
CFE➣Cash Flow to Equity (finance/accounting) |
CFE➣Certified Fraud Examiner |
CFE➣Caisse des Français de l'Etranger (French: Fund for French Nationals Abroad) |
CFE➣Confédération Française de l'Encadrement (French: French Confederation of Executive Coaching) |
CFE➣Centre de Formalités des Entreprises (French business registration center) |
CFE➣Campaign for Fiscal Equity (New York) |
CFE➣Comisión Federal de Electricidad (México) |
CFE➣Center for Financial Education (various locations) |
CFE➣Curriculum for Excellence (Scotland) |
CFE➣Cotisation Foncière des Entreprises (French tax) |
CFE➣Coaching for Excellence (management development) |
CFE➣Confederation Fiscale Européenne (French: European Tax Federation) |
CFE➣Centre for Entrepreneurship (various locations) |
CFE➣Cell Free Extract |
CFE➣Colony Forming Efficiency (tumors) |
CFE➣Control Flow Error |
CFE➣Cryptoforge Encrypted File |
CFE➣Center for Environment (various locations) |
CFE➣Certified Franchise Executive (International Franchise Association) |
CFE➣College of Further Education |
CFE➣Continuing Forestry Education |
CFE➣Certified Facilities Executive (International Association of Assembly Managers) |
CFE➣Contractor-Furnished Equipment |
CFE➣Connecticut Fund for the Environment (New Haven, CT, USA) |
CFE➣Certified Financial Examiner |
CFE➣Center for Empowerment (Seattle, WA) |
CFE➣Commercial and Foreign Entity |
CFE➣Federal Commission for Electricity (Mexico) |
CFE➣Centre for Enterprise (UK) |
CFE➣Cleaner Fossil Energy (task force) |
CFE➣Combined Filter Effluent (water treatment) |
CFE➣Center For Engineering |
CFE➣Computer Forensic Examiner |
CFE➣Centre for Fuels and Energy (Australia) |
CFE➣Countryside Foundation for Education (UK) |
CFE➣Common Firmware Environment |
CFE➣Common Front End (software) |
CFE➣Customer-Furnished Equipment (contracting) |
CFE➣Capillary Flow Experiment (NASA) |
CFE➣Center for Evangelism (Thailand) |
CFE➣Coalition Forces Enterprise |
CFE➣Cultural Foundations of Education (academic program) |
CFE➣Clermont-Ferrand Aulnat France (airport code) |
CFE➣Chlorofluoroethylene |
CFE➣Cercle Félin de l'Est (French cat club) |
CFE➣Conseil Français de l'Energie (French: French Council of Energy) |
CFE➣Chicago, Ft. Wayne & Eastern Railroad |
CFE➣Certificat de Fin d'Etudes (French: school completion certificate) |
CFE➣Christian Faith Exploration |
CFE➣Cumulative Forecast Error |
CFE➣Coalition for Equality |
CFE➣Club de Femmes Entrepreneurs (French: Club for Women Entrepreneurs; Geneva, Switzerland) |
CFE➣Clermont-Ferrand Échecs (French chess club) |
CFE➣Cash for Education (Bangladesh) |
CFE➣Crown Firecoach Enthusiasts (La Verne, CA) |
CFE➣Current Federal Employee |
CFE➣Carrier Frequency Estimator |
CFE➣Cyclically Flexible Enterprise |
CFE➣ |
CFE➣Center for Fusion Engineering |
CFE➣C Faulkner Engineering (Austin, TX) |
CFE➣Cascading Failure Effect |
CFE➣Computer Front End |
CFE➣Certified Field Examiner |
CFE➣Committee for Fair Elections |
CFE➣Competency for Execution |
CFE➣Commercially Furnished Equipment |
CFE➣Contract Field Engineer |
CFE➣Candidate for Elimination (design for manufacture term) |
CFE➣CBOE (Chicago Board Options Exchange) Future Exchange (Chicago, IL) |
CFE➣Candles for Education |
CFE➣Computer Fraud Examiner |