

单词 cfd



abbreviation for 1. (General Physics) computational fluid dynamics 2. finance contract for difference: an agreement to pay the difference between the value of a security at the start and finish of a stated period



Computational Fluid Dynamics



See: Contract for Difference

Contract For Differences

A futures contract that is settled in cash. That is, the underlying does not trade hands, and neither party needs to own it. Two parties simply designate each other as seller and buyer, and at the close of the contract one party pays the other the difference in value between the underlying's opening and closing prices, multiplied by the number of shares specified in the contract. If the difference is positive, the seller pays the buyer; if the difference is negative, the buyer pays the seller. An advantage to CFDs is the fact that they are exempt from taxes like stamp duties, because the underlying asset does not actually exist. However, they tend to work better as short-term investments because they are subject to daily financing charges.


CFDComputational Fluid Dynamics
CFDContract for Difference (markets/trading)
CFDChild and Family Development
CFDCenter for Dance (various locations)
CFDComplement Factor D (aka adipsin; gene)
CFDComprobantes Fiscales Digitales (Spanish: Digital Fiscal Receipts; Mexico)
CFDCommunity Facilities District
CFDCheyenne Frontier Days (Cheyenne, WY rodeo)
CFDCorporate Finance Department (various organizations)
CFDChicago Fire Department
CFDCharleston Fire Department (Charleston, WV)
CFDCorporate Finance Division (various organizations)
CFDCentre for Faculty Development (various locations)
CFDCenter Fire Department (Center, TX)
CFDCall for Discussion
CFDCryptoforge Document
CFDCategories for Discussion (Wikimedia Foundation)
CFDCubic Feet Per Day
CFDCar Free Day
CFDCombat Feeding Directorate (US DoD)
CFDCaisse Francaise de Developpement (France)
CFDChief of Force Development (Canada)
CFDCaisse Française de Développement (French: French Development Fund)
CFDCall For Discussion (Internet)
CFDContract for Deed (real estate)
CFDCompact Flash Disk (computing)
CFDConstant-Fraction Discriminator
CFDComputed for Display (Lotus Notes field property)
CFDCalgary Fire Department (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
CFDCincinnati Fire Department (Ohio)
CFDCoastal Flood Defence (UK)
CFDComputerized Fluid Dynamics
CFDCharitable Fund Drive
CFDColumbus Fire Department
CFDCouncil of Fashion Designers
CFDCommunity Fund Drive (University of Minnesota)
CFDCertified Fraud Deterrence Analyst (NACVA)
CFDCareer Field Designation (US Army)
CFDConfederation for Federation and Democracy (Burkina Faso)
CFDConnections for Development (UK development organisation)
CFDChristie Front Drive (band)
CFDControl Flow Disrupt
CFDChicago Field Division (Chicago, IL)
CFDCompagnie de Chemins de fer Départementaux (French railroad equipment company)
CFDCash Flow Diagram
CFDConsumer Financial Decisions
CFDCalifornia Fire Department
CFDCanned Food Drive
CFDCustomer Facing Department (contact center)
CFDCash Flow to Debt (finance/accounting)
CFDCommon Fill Device
CFDColumbia Funds Distributor (Boston, MA)
CFDCompensated Formation Density (geology)
CFDContinuous Flow Diffusion
CFDCanadian Forces Detachment
CFDCumulative Flow Diagram (software development)
CFDConstant Fraction Discrimination
CFDCorneal Fleck Dystrophy
CFDCraniofacial Dysostosis
CFDCarbon Finance Document (World Bank)
CFDCentral Florida Dressage
CFDChinese Fire Drill
CFDCommission Femmes et Développement (French: Commission on Women and Development; Belgium)
CFDContrats Financiers pour Différences (French: Financial Contracts for Differences)
CFDCross-Functional Development
CFDCandidate for Deletion
CFDClarksville Fire Department (Tennessee)
CFDChaff/Flare Dispenser
CFDCommunauté Française des Docteurs (French: French Community of Doctors)
CFDComplete Factorial Design
CFDConverter, Frequency to DC Voltage
CFDCommittee for the Future of Damascus (Clackamas County, Oregon)
CFDConfédération Française de Darts (French: French Confederation of Darts; est. 2006)
CFDCompulsive Forwarding Disorder (email, humor)
CFDCustom File Disc (Sony)
CFDCarrier Frequency Detector
CFDContinuous Flow Detector
CFDCarl-Frederic Decelles (blogger)
CFDCareer Field Designate/Designation
CFDClaim Free Discount (insurance)
CFDCorrect for Data
CFDChirag Future Development
CFDCustomer Focused Discussions
CFDChristlicher Friedensdienst eV
CFDCustomer Furnished Data
CFDCombat Functions Division
CFDCockpit Forward Design (Volvo)
CFDConfederation of Democratic Simulators (gaming)
CFDCampaign to Fix the Debt (Washington, DC)
CFDCommander of Fixed Defenses
CFDConstant Fraction Detector




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