

单词 cf



The symbol for californium.


abbr.1. Accounting carried forward2. Baseball a. center fieldb. center fielder3. Sports center forward4. cost and freight5. cystic fibrosis




abbreviation for (Commerce) cost and freight. Also: c & f


the internet domain name for (Computer Science) Central African Republic


the chemical symbol for (Elements & Compounds) californium


abbreviation for (Military) Chaplain to the Forces


1. Christian female. 2. cystic fibrosis.


Chem. Symbol. californium.


1. Bookbinding. calf. 2. center fielder. 3. compare. [< Latin confer]


or c.f.,

cost and freight.


The symbol for californium.
Noun1.CF - a radioactive transuranic elementCf - a radioactive transuranic element; discovered by bombarding curium with alpha particlesatomic number 98, californiummetal, metallic element - any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct heat or electricity and can be formed into sheets etc.2.CF - the most common congenital disease; the child's lungs and intestines and pancreas become clogged with thick mucus; caused by defect in a single gene; no cure is knowncystic fibrosis, fibrocystic disease of the pancreas, mucoviscidosis, pancreatic fibrosismonogenic disease, monogenic disorder - an inherited disease controlled by a single pair of genesfibrosis - development of excess fibrous connective tissue in an organAdv.1.cf - compare (used in texts to point the reader to another location in the text)cf.



1. rude slang An abbreviation for "clusterfuck," meaning a chaotic situation rife with problems. Oh, the dinner party was a total CF—the roast was dry, the toilet overflowed, and everyone argued about politics.2. vulgar slang An abbreviation for "clusterfuck," meaning a group sexual encounter. No, I've never taken part in a CF—have you?

Charlie Foxtrot

1. rude slang A clusterfuck, meaning a chaotic situation rife with problems. (When spelling something out with the NATO phonetic alphabet, the words "Charlie" and "Foxtrot" are commonly used for the letters C and F) Oh, the dinner party was a total Charlie Foxtrot—the roast was dry, the toilet overflowed, and everyone argued about politics.2. vulgar slang A clusterfuck, meaning a group sexual encounter. No, I've never taken part in a Charlie Foxtrot—have you?See also: Charlie

Charlie Foxtrot

and CF (The CF is from the so-called NATO Phonetic Alphabet.)1. Go to cluster fuck (sense 1). 2. Go to cluster fuck (sense 2).See also: Charlie

CF The CF is from the so-called NATO Phonetic Alphabet.

verbSee Charlie FoxtrotSee also: Cf, NATO, phonetic


verbSee Charlie Foxtrot



symbol for the element californiumcalifornium
[from California], artificially produced, radioactive metallic chemical element; symbol Cf; at. no. 98; mass no. of most stable isotope 251; m.p. about 900&degC;; b.p. about 1,470&degC;; density unknown; valence +3.
..... Click the link for more information.


(chemistry) californium


1. Abbr. for “cost and freight.” 2. Abbr. for “cooling fan.”


(networking)The country code for the Central AfricanRepublic.



 (Cf) [kal″ĭ-for´ne-um] a chemical element, atomic number 98, atomic weight 249. (See Appendix 6.)


Abbreviation for citrovorum factor; coupling factor.


Symbol for californium.


abbr.1. Accounting carried forward2. Baseball a. center fieldb. center fielder3. Sports center forward4. cost and freight5. cystic fibrosis


Abbreviation for:
cardiac failure
cardiac fibrillation
cardiac fibroblast
carotid foramen
case fatality
Caucasian female
cervical fluid
charcoal filtered
chemical fixation
chicken fat
Christmas factor
circulatory failure
clastogenic factor
clinical fellowship
clotting factor
colony formation
complement fixation
contractile force
constant flow
coronary flow
counting fingers
crude fibre
culture fluid
cystic fibrosis (Medspeak-UK)


1. Central field.2. Complement fixation, see there.3. Conversion factor–health care management.4. Coronary flow.5 Cystic fibrosis.


Abbreviation for citrovorum factor; coupling factor.


Symbol for californium



The two-character ISO 3166 country code for CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC.


1. On a bond transaction table, an abbreviation indicating that a bond has matured, but is still trading.

2. ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the Central African Republic. This is the code used in international transactions to and from Central African bank accounts.

3. ISO 3166-2 geocode for the Central African Republic. This is used as an international standard for shipping to the Central African Republic. The capital and each prefecture have their own codes with the prefix "CF." For example, the code for the Prefecture of Ouaka is ISO 3166-2:CF-UK.


Used in bond transaction tables in newspapers to indicate that the certificate of a bond has matured but is still trading: VarCp 10s99cf.


CFCompact Flash (solid state memory technology)
CFCold Fusion (Allaire web application development product)
CFCystic Fibrosis
CFConfer (Latin: Compare)
CFCall Forwarding
CFCanadian Forces
CFCenter Field (Baseball)
CFCopy(ies) Furnished
CFConfiguration File
CFCarbon Fiber
CFCash Flow
CFCompact Flash
CFCompact Framework (Microsoft)
CFChristian Fellowship
CFCardiff University (Wales)
CFCardiff (postal code for Cardiff, Wales)
CFCorporate Finance
CFCapital Federal
CFFrench Canadian
CFCommunity Forestry
CFCooling Fan
CFCounty Fair
CFCentral African Republic (country code, top level domain)
CFChristian Forums
CFCollaborative Filtering
CFHundred Feet
CFCubic Foot
CFContributing Factor
CFCystic Fibrosis Foundation
CFCorn Flakes
CFCompact Fluorescent (lamp/bulb)
CFCorrectional Facility
CFConversion Factor
CFConceptual Framework
CFControl Freak
CFControl Functions
CFCloud Foundry
CFControl Flow
CFCorn Flour
CFComplement Fixation (assay method for determination of infection in blood or serum)
CFCrazy Frog (advertisement)
CFConsumidor Final (Spanish: End Consumer)
CFCenter Front (tailoring)
CFConstituição Federal (Brazil; Federal Constitution)
CFCost and Freight
CFContinuous Flow
CFConservation Foundation
CFContinued Fractions
CFCutoff Frequency
CFCalgary Flames (NHL hockey team of Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
CFConservative Future
CFCumulative Frequency (statistics)
CFClimate and Forecast
CFCerebrospinal Fluid
CFCarry Flag
CFCapita Financial (various companies)
CFCarrier Free
CFChinese Food
CFCapacity Factor
CFCoal Fired
CFCourt Filing
CFContinuous Form
CFCrest-Factor (distribution in multiplexed transmission signals)
CFChaplain to the Forces
CFCentrifugal Force
CFCarry Forward
CFCorrelation Factor
CFCodice Fiscale (Italian: fiscal code)
CFCardiac Failure
CFCienfuegos (postcode, Cuba)
CFCold Front (meteorology)
CFCore Foundation (Apple Computer)
CFCorporate Fraud
CFCompte Financier (French: Financial Account)
CFCarrier Frequency
CFCombining Form (linguistics)
CFCounter Force
CFConversion Facility
CFCadillac Fairview
CFCore Fighter (Gundam)
CFCoupling Facility (IBM mainframes)
CFCanadian French (language)
CFCommon Functions
CFChange Form
CFCertified Forester (Society of American Foresters)
CFCausal Factor
CFChronic Future (band)
CFCovering Force
CFCaptain Falcon (Nintendo)
CFContinuous Feature
CFCount Forward
CFCold Feet (movie)
CFCenter Frequency
CFCorkscrew Follies (Rollercoaster Tycoon game)
CFConsolidated Freightways (trucking company)
CFCharcoal Filter
CFCeltic Frost (band)
CFCareer Field
CFCompletion Fluid (oil industry)
CFCenter Fire (Ammunition)
CFCustomer Focus
CFCoopération Française (French)
CFCommercial Film
CFComputing Facility
CFCommon Formats (United States Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Act of 2005)
CFCenter Forward (soccer position)
CFChange Filter
CFClimbing Fiber (neuroscience)
CFCalibration Factor
CFCentral Facility
CFCustomer Furnished
CFCharlie-Foxtrot (slang for Cluster Flock; polite form)
CFCommunication Function
CFCanadian Fighter
CFConsulting Forester
CFCoalition Force
CFCentral Files
CFChange Frequency
CFCompound Fracture
CFCivic Force (Japan)
CFConfidence Factor
CFCaucasian Female
CFCoated Front (paper)
CFCompression Factor
CFComplementary Function
CFCahiers Francais
CFCauseway Ferry (US DoD)
CFCommunications Flight
CFCenter Funded
CFCharter One Financial (NYSE Symbol)
CFCustomer Fulfilment
CFConvertible Freighter
CFCentrally Funded
CFCollection Function
CFCitrovorum Factor
CFConseco Fieldhouse (Indiana)
CFCloud Fraction
CFCompletion Form
CFCowboys Fringants (band)
CFCathode Follower
CFContra Fidem (Latin: Against My Will)
CFChristmas Factor
CFCommonwealth Funding
CFCold Finish
CFCervical Fracture (neck)
CFCharleston Forge
CFDrift Error Confidence Factor (US DoD)
CFFlying Deck Cruiser (US Navy)
CFConcept Formulation
CFCommodities Finance
CFChicago Force
CFChart Field
CFConcept Feasibility
CFCompress-and-Forward (networking)
CFConfinement Factor
CFContinental Freight (trucking company)
CFCounts Fingers (used with the 20/ scale after c. 20/400; ophthalmology)
CFConstruction Forces
CFClearance Facility
CFCoupling Fault
CFCenter of Flotation
CFCompliance Finding
CFCritically Factor
CFComputation Facility
CFConsulting Fellow
CFConservation Farmers (Nepal)
CFComité de Facilitation
CFCumulus Fractus
CFCape Fear Railways, Inc.
CFFrictional Resistance Coefficient
CFConstructed Fare (airlines)
CFConfrontation Field (ophthalmology)
CFClinical Facilitator
CFContent Freeze
CFContingency Flag
CFCoin First Payphone
CFChikara Fansubs
CFCreative Fluff (website)
CFConstruction Flagman (NYC Transit Authority)
CFCondensate and Feed
CFCab to Frame
CFCluster Foulup (polite form; military slang)
CFCable, Fuzing or Firing
CFClarissima Foemina (Latin: Most Famous Lady, epigraphy)
CFImagery and Geospatial Community Management Office (NIMA)
CFCompartmented Facility
CFAir Post Registration (Scott Catalogue prefix; philately)
CFControlled Flaw
CFCassville Ferry (Wisconsin)
CFCountermeasure Factor
CFCampus Focus, Student Organization (University of Akron)
CFCivilingenjors Forbundet
CFControlled Iteration First Pass


  • all
  • noun
  • adv

Synonyms for Cf

noun a radioactive transuranic element


  • atomic number 98
  • californium

Related Words

  • metal
  • metallic element

noun the most common congenital disease


  • cystic fibrosis
  • fibrocystic disease of the pancreas
  • mucoviscidosis
  • pancreatic fibrosis

Related Words

  • monogenic disease
  • monogenic disorder
  • fibrosis

adv compare (used in texts to point the reader to another location in the text)


  • cf.




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