Barth, Tomas Fredrik Weiby

Barth, Tomas Fredrik Weiby


Born May 18, 1899, in Bolsoy. Norwegian petrographer and geochemist.

Barth has been a professor at several universities in Western Europe and the USA. He is on the staff of the Geophysical Laboratory of Carnegie Institute (USA). He is director of the mineralogical institute of the University of Oslo (1936) and the Oslo Geological Museum (1949). His principal works are devoted to petrology, questions of the origin of rocks, the classification of metamorphic rocks, vulcanology, geochemical cycles, and thermal sources.


Die Entstehung der Gesteine: Ein Lehrbuch der Petrogenese. Berlin, 1939.
In Russian translation:
Teoreticheskaia petrologiia. Moscow, 1956.