

单词 apb



abbr. all points bulletin


(in the US) abbreviation forall-points bulletin


pl. APBs, APB's all-points bulletin.


Accounting Principles Board

A committee of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants that advised on and set standards for financial record keeping. It was dissolved in 1973 and replaced by the Financial Accounting Standards Board.


See Accounting Principles Board.


APBAll Points Bulletin (law enforcement)
APBAccounting Principles Board
APBAuditing Practices Board (UK FRC)
APBAccounting Principles Board opinion (GAAP)
APBAcquisition Program Baseline
APBActive Php Bookmarks
APBAccess Point and Bridge
APBAdvanced Pci Bridge
APBAdmission Post-Bac (French online higher education portal)
APBAdvanced Peripheral Bus
APBA Path Beyond (gaming)
APBApoptygma Berzerk (band)
APBAnnual Performance Bonus
APBAnsible Playbook Bundle (app)
APBAbductor Pollicis Brevis (muscle)
APBAdvisory Policy Board (CJIS)
APBAborigines Protection Board (Australia)
APBAdvance Payment Bond (finance)
APBA Prueba de Boludos (Spanish: Stupid Proof)
APBAssociation Pharmaceutique Belge (Belgian Pharmacists Association)
APBAlgemene Pharmaceutische Bond (Belgian Pharmacists Association)
APBAsia-Pacific Broadcasting
APBAdvanced Processing Build
APBAtrial Premature Beat
APBAssociation Parole-Bégaiement
APBSelf-Propelled Barracks Ship
APBAgriculture Protection Board (Washington)
APBAnti Pass Back (parking management)
APBAmerican Pig Brand (clothing)
APBAnti-Phase Boundary (crystal chemistry)
APBAsia Pacific Board (IEEE)
APBAmbulatory Blood Pressure
APBAvant Projet de Budget (French: Before Project Budget)
APBAlpha Phi Beta (fraternity)
APBAnalytical Processing Benchmark
APBAssociation pour la Promotion des Batwa (French)
APBAcademic Policy Board (various schools)
APBAmerican Partners Bank (Waterfield Bank; Bethesda, MD)
APBAnti Pirate Bureau (Swedish Antipiratbyrån)
APBAmerican Part-Blooded Horse Registry
APBAuto-Pièce Burguière (French auto parts retailer)
APBApproved Program Baseline
APBAfghanistan Programming Body
APBAnderson Pipe Band (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
APBAssociated Press Broadcasters
APBAvionics Planning Baseline
APBAssociacao Portuguesa de Biologos (Portuguese: Portuguese Association of Biology)
APBAmyloid Beta A4 Precursor Protein-Binding
APBAcquisition Project Baseline
APBActive Position Backward
APBA3I Project Baseline
APBAthens Park Bloods (gang)
APBAmerican Policy Board
APBAutomatismes et Portes pour le Bâtiment (French: Doors and Automation in Construction)
APBAnti-Phase (domain) Boundary (also seen as APDB)
APBAnti Personnel Blast
APBArmy Packaging Board
APBAdductor Pollicis Brevis (medical; hand muscle)
APBATM Performance and Billing (Sprint)
APBAutomation Policy Board
APBAntenna Pointing Buffer
APBAyr-Paris Band (Ontario, Canada)
APBAdvert Puzzle Book (UK)
APBAdditional Policy Benefit (Insurance)
APBAll Police Band (amateur music group)




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